chapter 15 - rainfall

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((before the storm looks AMAZING! everyone else excited? i saw half a second of a very familiar young man in one of the trailers ;) ))

You watched him for a couple seconds, anxiety rippling through your body. You noticed other people glancing over at the two of you, "N-Nathan? You're causing a scene.."
He narrowed his eyes and looked around, anger bottling up in his body. "Yeah! What the fuck do you fucks think you're doing?!" He exclaims toward the group of students staring, they immediately sense the trouble and move off, you grip at his arm, "Nathan.." You say as soft as possible, he switches his glance back to you, a lump in his throat as his eye contact with yours seems to melt away the anger. He scoffs, "Fuckin... Peeping assholes." He mutters under his breath. At that moment, Mr Jefferson emerges, slightly peeved at the commotion, "You better not be causing trouble out here-" he cuts to you, surprised at your presence, "Miss L/N, what seems to be the trouble?" He asked softly, you shake your head, "Everything is fine sir." You reply quietly, letting go of Nathan's arm.

Mr Jefferson's anger returns as his eyes catch Nathan's, "Detention, see me after school." He says, as if said many other times, boredom in his tone. He turns on his heel, grabbing a hold of your arm, "Whatever, Jeffershit."

After walking awhile, you stop him. "The hell was that?!" You asked in a harsh whisper, he looks taken aback, as if he had no idea what you were on about. "Forgot to take my meds, chill." He brushes you off, an eyebrow raised, "I saw you take them this morning, what's your deal?" He furrow your eyebrows at him. "Wrong ones."
You sigh, "Whatever, I can't be bothered right now." You say, "Class is about to start anyway, let's go."

"Ditch with me.""

Are you kidding?"

He shakes his head, "It'll be fine, I do it at least once a day anyway." You tilt your head slightly and shake it, "Forget it Prescott, Jefferson hates me enough as it is."
He looks slightly pissed, "Whatthefuckever, go hang out with your stupid Jeffershit.
Even at his words, he seemed to stay at school anyway. Although, Victoria had caught up to him and pulled him away, yelling obscenities at him along the line of "Why are you hanging out with that Rachel Amber wannabe?!" and "Why were you yelling at her before?!" You didn't mind, it's not like he was in your next class anyway.
You had noticed the cold fog on the windows, raining still pouring outside.
The seat was cold, but everything else seemed perfectly normal, except for the eyes you'd catch staring at you. You felt a chill of dread along your spine but you were used to ignoring it by now. You noticed a look though, out of everyone elses. Max.

She looked nervous, but in thought, but I suppose she noticed you, as she turned away quickly. You remembered the encounter Nathan told you about, she's probably seen you with him, so she may not be too fond. It was silent on your side of the room but there were still a clutter of students around, many not even in the class, but they soon sprawled out as Jefferson entered the room. It was odd though, an odd feeling in the room, it's as though there was something brewing other than the storm outside. There was still noise in the room, it didn't settle, even through Jefferson's constant shushing. That was when it happened.

"Yo! There's some crazy shit going on at the girl's dorm!"

You couldn't here Jefferson's angered exclaiming was numbed out by buzzing static in your head as you felt your heart drop. Something was wrong, but you were cut out of your thoughts by students sprinting out of the room in confused noise. You managed to get out of the room and were greeted by Nathan, impatience and almost a sort of fear brewing in his eyes. "Hurry your ass up!" He harshly whispered near your ear, gripping your arm and running. You were terrified.

You ran out into the rain, eyes belted by droplets of water and your body suddenly cold to the outside air. You were trying your best to focus on the heat of Nathan's grip, but your mind was faltering at this point, today was exhausting, you didnt know how to feel.

It was then you were confronted with the scene. You've seen her before. She was at the party where you met Nathan, she went crazy and was kissing everybody. Now, she was on the roof. You and Nathan had both stopped. He watched quietly, this was the first time that you had no idea what he was feeling. His eyes were bright, and his mouth opened slightly, you could see the rain dripping down his jaw as he quickly slicked his wet hair back.

It almost felt as if time itself had stopped. Your mind was silent, except for the soft buzz you could hear between your ears, cutting off any noise around you. You watched her with terror in your eyes. You could almost see her crying, it felt as if God was crying too, pleading with her to stop. The people suddenly became quiet for a moment as she turned around, another voice could be heard only just.


You could hear people murmuring in scared tones, Nathan, had bit changed at all. You couldn't feel your heart beating, your entire body was numb with a mix of cold and sheer terror. You could feel your breaths quickening. You hadn't had a panic attack in awhile, so this'll do it.

That was when it happened.

She turned.

And jumped.

You suddenly felt yourself scream and your legs give way, warm tears burning your face at the sudden moment. You weren't alone. You heard many others yell and cry but it was muted by the crack you heard of the pavement.

You felt warmth, Nathan. You heard his  voice, but you couldn't understand it. Everything was blurry and you couldn't even hear yourself. All you could do was focus on the embrace around you and the cold, wet grass on your legs.

((i wrote the last quarter after having a panic attack. i hope everyone is doing okay and that i hadn't triggered anyone, im so so sorry if i did. there will be some new stuff in the chapters to come, as the story has finally started. now, here's something i need to know. Who will Max pick? Nathan or Jefferson?
Thank you all for being patient <3 ))

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