chapter 5 - i forget my name

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TW: drug use and slightly sexual content
(based loosely on the song how to fly by sticky fingers, i recommend listening to it!)

It was surprising, they both got on quite well and their chemistry works subtly but well. Y/N knows how to say the right things at the right time and in the right way, whilst Nathan has someone that finally listens, although, she hasn't seen nothing yet. She checked the time on her phone, "Oh geez, Nathan we're totally late-" she was interrupted by a snort from Nathan, "Oh my god, chill Y/L/N, it's not like anyone gives a shit anyway and besides," he looks over from the window, "You're with me, they'd have to understand, or I'd have to make them."
Why did Y/N think that last line was surprisingly hot, why is she even thinkinG THIS?!
She giggled back, "Well okay then, Prescott." She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, "What rebellious activities will you be getting up to then?" He rolled his eyes and smirked, "Me? You mean us." He stood, "Come on, don't be a pussy." He narrowed his eyes, "It's what Rachel would want."
A shiver went up her spine, God dammit. How could she argue with a choice Rachel would make? When she comes back how would she tell her that she made no friends at all. Well, fuck it.
She takes a grip of his arm and pulls herself up, "Lead the way, troublemaker." He snickered and walked out of the diner, not before paying though, he's not that much of an ass. Walking back to the Academy, which was odd seeing they could've easily taken a bus, Y/N decided to speak up, "So... What's the plan?" He looks over at her for a moment before looking back to the road, "I'm... Going to see a friend but you can't be seen." He said in an urgent but weirdly calm tone, as though he already trusts her. She gulps and nods, putting her hands in a pocket.
After walking for approximately ten minutes, the both of them find themselves at a secluded beach cove peaking slightly by forests, a lone caravan in the parking lot. Oh shit. This was Frank's caravan, she knew what was happening. Before protesting, Nathan turned to her, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Alright, find a tree or some shit." He says, "and tell no one." He glared into her eyes and she nodded quickly, finding a tree to hide behind, a little ways away.
It was a quiet couple of minutes for Y/N to sit and finally be able to just think to herself, mostly about Rachel, but even Nathan seemed to cloud her thoughts too. She thought about how smart Rachel was to pair the two up as well, friends by this point hopefully. They seemed almost perfect for eachother, maybe this was all a prank to bring the two together, it's something she'd definitely do, especially after the party incident. Best not to bring it up with Nathan though, she may be very wrong.
Nathan finally got back, an excited smirk on his face as he peers behind a tree to see Y/N, "Ok Y/N get your ass up, we're leaving." He said in an impatient tone, which made Y/N struggle up as quickly as possible. "We're gonna get fucking loaded." He sneers, a big mischievous grin on his face. Y/N froze, did he mean... "Nathan, I..." She muttered out awkwardly, he looked more impatient now, "What is it, Y/L/N?" He said quickly, slight anger in his voice. "I'm a weed virgin."
He stared at her for a second or two before bursting out into laughter, "You've been hanging out with Rachel Amber for how long and you haven't smoked weed once?" He puts an arm around her, his voice still giddy from a mix of mischief, excitement and trying to stop laughing, "Let me take your weed virginity or whatthefuckever." Y/N blushed and snorted, "Whatthefuckever?" She wiped an eye, "That's definitely new, I gotta use that." "S-Shut up."
Not only did the both of them have to sneak to the dorm in general but they also needed to sneak into the boys dorm, Y/N seemed to fret but Nathan confided and told her he'd done it plenty times which wasn't too hard to believe. As a matter of fact, his strategy worked, and the memories of 'last encounter' all flooded back as they entered the dorm room. The first precaution was to close the curtains, but a lamp was turned to too, which gave quite the atmosphere.
Nathan sat down on his bed, beckoning Y/N over and she sat down across from him, remembering to take her shoes off first. Nathan turned on the radio beside his bed and he took out some small lines of paper and a brown-green substance in little sandwich baggies. Y/N's heart was racing, but she couldn't help but feel excited, maybe it was Rachel rubbing off on her. As he set up, she listened to the song playing quietly through the speaker:

"I put the breaks off and I ride
Whatever takes us to get high
I chase the devil into the sky
Cause he's the one who taught me
How to fly"

When she snapped back into reality, Nathan watched her, his eyes were full of life and ecstasy, the slight curve of his lip made her feel calm as he hands a blunt to her carefully, "Put the tip in your mouth, I'll do the rest." Y/N did so and closed her eyes, she felt the warmth of the match on the other side as she was suddenly filled with a foggy feeling not quite usual to herself yet. She took it out of her mouth after inhaling, exhaling it slowly, her eyes closed as she tried to figure out the feeling she felt. Nathan did the same to his, chuckling softly as he watched her concentrate, "It's the feeling of ecstasy, sweetheart." His voice already felt slurred but Y/N could almost feel each word, they felt like velvet and she couldn't help but smile slightly.

"I'll forget my name
Cause it's all the same
I'll forget my name"

She felt the familiar violet smoke roll in as the familiar scents came back. She almost heard the cheering and screaming of the crowd but it still felt so serene and almost like fantasy. She looked over as Nathan got up to retrieve his camera, she could barely even see him, everything was so colorful and blurry, but he entered her sights as he got back on the bed. "Let's get fucking wasted.." He says smoothly, leaning in closer to her. He stopped as their noses touched, their breaths felt on eachothers skin both made them shiver in pleasure. Y/N felt as he finally placed his lips to hers. The feeling she had almost doubled as her stomach fluttered with curiosity. They stopped to take breathe every so often as they just adored the anticipation and their breathless moans felt on eachothers necks.
They placed their foreheads together, their mouths both ajar slightly to steady breathing, but both had smiles. "I just want to fucking feel you." Nathan whispered on her neck, taking a slight nibble that made her back rock slightly. He lay her down slowly as he placed himself on top, as their kissing continued. Y/N couldn't help but think of that night at the party, her body sprawled on the ground as Nathan watched over as he picked her up, his touch made her skin crawl even know, like lightning bolts rushing up and down her spine.
A gasp escaped her throat as Nathan starting sucking on her neck, creating dark marks all over her neck, it was as though each new bruise gave her more ecstasy to feed off. She rolled her shoulders slowly as she felt him go further down her body, taking her jeans off slowly as she felt her bare legs grow slightly colder. Her tight panties molding to her body perfectly, causing a bulge in Nathan's pants to grow slightly. Y/N sat up to take off her shirt, at this point not even her thoughts didn't exist in this own world she was in now. She could see Nathan taking off his jacket and shirt, his bare chest stretching slightly as he rolls out his shoulders. They watch eachother for a moment before moving closer, Nathan's denim rubbing against Y/N's felt perfect, making her feel all sorts of sparks around her body. As he lay down beside her, Y/N curled into his chest, tracing a finger on his bare stomach, Nathan's hand clutching her ass gently.
At that point, the violet smoke was the last thing she saw, as she finally passed out.

(A/N: woo! here's a bigger chapter to make up for yesterday, hope it was enjoyed ;))

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