chapter 3 - crosses

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And from that moment on, Y/N could see a friend in Rachel Amber, even their first day together felt like years of chemistry. She was honestly perfect, not only did she get perfect grades, but she was also gorgeous and a social butterfly. She felt herself open up to Rachel instantly, talking about how her parents gave up almost everything for her to get into Blackwell Academy, and how she had struggled with being social and well bullying. Y/N wasn't a stereotypical nerd or anything, she was just weird. Rachel just listened and smiled, comforting her when needed. She felt like family in a place full of strangers.
For the next month the both of them were inseparable. Y/N felt almost clingy to her, a hole in her heart whenever she wasn't there. They'd just sit around in eachothers dorms, take photos with eachother, watch movies, go to the diner and just have fun. Rachel Amber would go on about how much Nathan would crush on her, and they both found it funny for some reason, maybe because he's 'a stupid little rich kid you'd love to hate' but from how she talked about him, she knew Rachel liked him as a person.
Y/N couldn't help but hate how she acted when Rachel had someone else tag along, especially Frank, who would glare at her in a way that felt he would slit her throat or something, but at least his dog Pompidou is a sweetheart. The other was Chloe, not that she was mean to Y/N or anything, it was the fact that they were the same person, they'd go partying and do drugs and Y/N would just wuss out. She remembered what Nathan said that day, "Being a pussy won't get you anywhere at Blackwell."
Rachel began to even worry for Y/N, she'd always encourage her to make new friends so that she wouldn't be lonely when she was busy, but it was just so difficult to find someone that matched Rachel Amber. This may have been for good reasons too, each day they grew apart a little more, she got more into parties and drugs and Y/N knew that sticking away from that would be the best choice, especially after the Vortex Club Party Incident that still wouldn't leave her mind. She remembered the day of the last Vortex Club Party, Rachel and her were just chilling in her dorm until she decided to go off to be party, her goodbye felt so depressing that day, it was weird, maybe she was just high.

It had been four weeks since Rachel Amber went missing, she just left without a trace, even Chloe or Frank had no idea. She didn't want to think the worst, and everyday since then, Y/N would just think about 'what Rachel Amber would do"

Dear Diary,
Rachel kept telling me that writing a diary would help me get things off my chest without her being around, I guess I need it now. I really hope she comes back soon, I'm back at square one at this point, I'm all alone at a school full of strangers, she kept telling me I needed more friends but I guess I asked too much of her. Please come back, Rachel. More importantly, just be safe.

Y/N's train of thought was suddenly pulled off the trails as her phone vibrated with a new message, her heart seemed to skip a beat, only Rachel had her number! So that just mean-
"Hey Y/N, it's Nathan, get the fuck out here will you? We need to talk"
Oh boy, great. Her heart sank down into a deep dark hole as she stood and got her bag ready for the day ahead, and what Nathan had to offer. Just as he said, he was outside the Girl's dormitory, chatting with Victoria, who gave Y/N the bitchiest glare she'd ever seen, but to be fair, Nathan didn't look pleased either. At least Rachel told her all of Nathan's quirks, so it'd hopefully be easier to interact. "Hey Nathan, you wanted to talk?" Y/N said in a moderate tone of voice, hoisting her bag over her shoulder as it slipped off slightly. Unfortunately, Victoria was first to reply, "Seriously Nate? Her?" She crossed her arms and pouted, "You're not that bored are you?" Y/N remembered Rachel saying that the best thing to say to Victoria was nothing at all. "Shut up Tori, it's not as though I decided to do this." This made Y/N feel very confused.
"Rachel wanted me to talk to you." He rolled his eyes, probably trying to hide his actual emotions to the situation, sadness probably. When he noticed Y/N's body language grow happier, he groaned, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was before she fucked off." Drat, foiled again.
"Then what do you want to talk about?" Y/N crossed her arms, Victoria giggling annoyingly in the background, "Whatever you do Nate, don't take her drinking." She pat his shoulder, before finally leaving.
Nathan rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side hesitantly, "Rachel, out of anyone in this shithole, she wants us to be friends."

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