chapter 10 - anathema

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(art by me! find RlCKYFlTTS on deviantart to see more. btw, the I's are actually lowercase L)

Dear Diary,

Rachel, now Olivia. This has me scared. I didn't know that my heartache could've ever felt worse. The pit from Rachel was punched open, making me fall further and further down the rabbit hole. My loneliness was mixed with legitimate fear. What was happening with my friends? The girls at this school in general? Was something happening. I've tried not to think about this, keeping most thinking to a minimum because a headache doesn't help when I'm already severely depressed. My Mom told me that maybe my artistic capabilities can help me cope. Please cope with my diary, I'm not erasing anything.

Everyone at Blackwell is a beautiful stunning red, their bodies are painted each day with warm colors. Even if the one or two people that may have some purple mixed in, the colors were always bright and burning. I was blue, not even a beautiful blue. I wasn't bright like the all the brilliant vermillion but was less saturated, almost gray. Just being around everyone else hurt and felt disgusting. I could feel the bright glares, even if they said 'sorry' or 'you're in my condolenses' they didn't change color, they didn't give a shit. Even throughout the school day, I may be 'lucky' enough to see the brilliant blue. He was just like me, but his color was so bright and gorgeous. It was like sapphire next to my dead blue. He was like everyone else, I could even notice the red that burst through him sometimes that dissapointed me, but it was mostly from the cuts and bruises he would take from the day. He didn't like me though. I wasn't bright enough, and he loved red more than the blue he carried.

With a huff, she closed her diary, wiping a tear that was forming in her eye. It didn't help, it hurt more, because it was true. Even if you felt tired you could never fall asleep. You were like a corpse, no human emotion left. You watched the ceiling, finally letting a tear go, and closing your eyes, you let the exhaustion take hold.
The sunshine that was once beautiful felt ugly and too bright when you awoke for the next morning. Your head span, and everything was disorientating. Standing, a blast of pain shot through your head as your signature migraine came back. You could feel the dry line of last night's tears on your cheek, and you could even feel the dark rings around your eyes. Finally, you managed to get ready, and out the door. Placing your earphones in, you watched the corridor in front of you and tried not to feel the glares of the students around you.

" You will never know what's behind my skull
So won't you say good night, so I can say goodbye
You will never know what's under my hair
So won't you say good night, so I can say goodbye "

You had a new place in each of your classrooms, right at the back. No one liked you that your two perfect best friends were there beside you, so you had your own row for yourself. Whenever someone entered the room you could just feel that angry shiver that they're look at you, staring. That was until Nathan Prescott, you looked first, and he looked back. You couldn't tell his expression, and it was only for a moment before Ms. Victoria Chase walked in beside him and pulled him along with him. It was a couple minutes until Mr Jefferson, who owned the classroom across, walked in and called the teacher in sick, so it was a free period. With that, 90% of the class left, except for Victoria and Nathan.

" You will never know what's under my skin
So won't you say good night, so I can say goodbye
You will never know what is in my veins
So won't you say good night, so I can say goodbye"

Sneakily, you took an earphone out, so you can hear the conversation between the two at the front of the class and the music playing softly in the other ear. "Isn't it totally freaky that two of the skankiest bitches at the school go missing? " Victoria leaned in, speaking in her gross tone as always, "In a couple weeks, most of the school will be gone if that's the case". Nathan snickered, "Better watch your back, in that case, you're next" Victoria only huffed in exclamation and crossed her arms, giggling like the bratty 5 year old princess she is, "Oh please, it'll obviously be Kate Marsh."
She totally knows I'm listening, especially in the fact that she keeps looking back at me to watch my reaction, only to be disappointed by my dead expression watching her. Nathan sometimes looked too, but with him being slightly closer you could tell his expression easier. You could see the shot of a darker blue near his heart that even next to the bright blue looked depressing. He knew that Victoria was always watching so you could still notice his signature glare.

" Won't you go to someone else's dreams?
Won't you go to someone else's head?
Haven't you taken enough from me?
Won't you torture someone else's sleep? "

"God I hate those bitches too, I hope they're in a ditch somewhere." She straightened up, crossing her arms, "Do you know what they said about me? They totally spread those sick rumors about me and Mr. Jefferson!"  Nathan seemed to look tired too, probably of her bullshit. "Well to be fair Victoria, you'd totally go there." He replied, raising an eyebrow, She only groaned and rolled her eyes, making him chuckle, his mouth in a sly grin, brushing his tongue against his teeth quickly as he did so.

" And you will never know what I'm thinking of
So won't you say good night, so I can say goodbye
And you will never understand what I believe
So won't you say goodnight, so I can say goodbye "

You watched as Victoria moved closer and closer to Nathan, whispering terribly loudly her next words, glaring daggers at you. "She totally looks like a corpse, it's fucking hilarious." She couldn't even get through the words without moving away to start giggling. You felt your heart sink slightly with her words, until you looked over at Nathan.
Was he mad? You could watch him look at her with slight disbelief, narrowing his eyebrows at her. "I'm glad you're finding that funny. You're bitchier than usual today."  She looked at him and looked as in disbelief as Nathan did, her mouth agape in a smile, "Is that human emotion I see? Nathaaaan, have you been taking your pills?" Nathan just looked away, "This serial killer better get to you quick, they should've taken you first." He managed to reply, keeping his tone his usual way. She gave her head a quick shake, "Too bad the next bitch he's after is already dead." She giggled, looking over to you fully and pouting. "Nobody likes you to even give you a funeral."
You couldn't believe this shit, she's literally talking to you now, does she have any subtlety? You could only just look back at her, eyes narrowed in a confusion she saw as pity. "Look Y/N, you know you got nothing left here, you can't hide behind your skanky friends anymore because they're gone. You were nothing then, and you are nothing now. So why don't you just leave the room because your corpse face is making me uncomfortable."
"Tori." You look over as you saw Nathan, standing up fully, anger in his eyes, "Watch yourself, your bitch level is off the charts, better be careful of Mr. Bitch-killer, he's always watching!"  That signature breathy tone of his voice almost felt comforting to you. She looked back at him, "Aw Nate! Your sicker than the serial killer, you necrophiliac!" You were in the middle of the biggest cat-fight of the century, all you wanted to do was curl up, but you were kinda sorta.....the main point of it all. It was entertaining, but you know it wouldn't end well. As they tore into eachother you had a plan.
You knew where Ms. Grant hid her knives that she might've needed for her science projects. So as the two bitched at each other, you sneakily went off to the back cupboard and slid one out of the rack. You paced toward them, and they both noticed you as you stood, knife behind my back, eyes on Victoria. "Do you know why it was Olivia and Rachel that went missing?" You asked as softly as possible, voice cracking from the lack of communication for the past few days, Victoria faced me slowly, You watched her eyebrow twitch, she was nervous. "Why? Because some serial killer really hates seeing you happy?" She snickered. You look at Nathan, he only twitched, watching Victoria still looking very pissed off.
At this time you could finally see the other side of his face, a visible scratch mark, it was quite new, as it was still bright red obviously agitable. And to add, you could see visible bruises on his knuckles, he must've gotten into a fight. You noticed that you had stayed silent for a few seconds and looked back to Victoria. Well, here goes nothing.
"It's because they're the only people close enough to me that I was able to quench my thirst to kill." You muttered in your dead tone, "And to answer your question, yes, I'm into bitches; the bitchier, the better." You took out the knife and drew your tongue across the top of the knife. "So watch yourself, or you'll be the next corpse-face, dollface."
Victoria legitimately looked terrified, her eyebrows threaded together and her chin tightened as she gulped. "I fucking knew it! You're s-sick!" She pointed, which then lead you to point the knife, causing her to move back a little and bump into the desk. "You just wait until I tell the principal, f-FREAK!" She growled, lashing out and scratching my face, which was quite surprising to say the least.
"Come on Nathan, we're leaving!" She grabbed his arm forcefully, and as I saw them leave, I saw the grin on his face.

(Yes, okay, I lied, not that much interaction but I totally promise you something happens next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!)

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