chapter 13 - king of anything

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You were staring up at the ceiling, you couldn't sleep, you were just thinking of the day. You hadn't felt this happy in awhile, you're just glad you had someone in your life again. Something inside you was scared he'd leave too. Being tired, you tried not to dwell on the thought. To tire yourself further, you decide to bring the diary out again.

Dear Diary,

I'm so glad he's back. I don't know why I'm so happy I didn't think I'd miss him this much. Maybe I'm overdoing it, or I'm just going insane from being alone for too long. I know how much Rachel wanted me to be friends with him and this time I'll make it work, I promise her this time.

The next morning you were up earlier than usual, you were excited in a way you guess. You walked out of your room and were surprised to see Kate Marsh in the hall, just outside her room too. Maybe she was doing her church things, you weren't sure, and it definitely wasn't Sunday. She saw you and suddenly looked very nervous, she grabbed at her doorknob and gulped, licking her lip nervously. You tried to look as nice as possible, even with a little wave. She just looked down and continued walking down the hall.

You remembered why she'd been acting so strange. Apparently she did some weird shit at the vortex club party you went to, and someone recorded it. You just tried your best to stay away from drama, which may be difficult now knowing that your friends with Nathan Prescott. You waited for her to walk out before walking the same way, to try your best to be sincere to her and to not scare her.

It was about 7:30am, the grass was still moist with dew and the sky was a soft, light color. There was a slight chill in the air, you could also see some clouds forming. You clutched your bag tighter and adjusted your scarf slightly. You placed your headphones in your ears and took yourself to the bus stop, off to get some breakfast from the diner.

The bus seat was cold. and so was the atmosphere in general, you had gotten the early bus so there wasn't anybody else there. It was peaceful, just you and your music. You sat in the same seat you had sat with Nathan that time. Even in the cold weather, it made you feel warm on the inside. You weren't on the bus too long though, but you were hungry so you didn't mind.

To your surprise, you saw that familiar red jacket on the farthest side of the diner, which made your heart beat quicker, butterflies batting at your stomach trying to burst free. Slowly and carefully, you make your way to the table.

"Nathan? You're up early." you lean over the side, he looks over to you, his usual grumpy and now tired expression on his face. "Just shut up and sit down, will ya?" his eyebrow twitches, he was wiggling in his seat almost uncomfortably. You do so, placing your bag down beside you. "You...okay? Nathan?" you raise an eyebrow, smoothing out your clothing. "Hell no, Hell fuckin' no." He mutters out, twiddling his fingers and looking around.

"Nathan, you need to chill, have you taken your pills?" "I don't got time." You huff in frustration, "You need to calm down, you're shaking." He gulps and stops for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows at you, after a moment of silence, he snickers, "Hey...You're not makin' fun of me or anything. What's your deal?" He leans over in front of you, crossing his arms.

"I care for your safety dude, I'm your friend." You gulp, tilting your head slightly. He chuckles, "Ha! You've gotta be kidding." he replies, a slight stutter in his voice. "Yeah, fuck off! I don't need some bitch telling ME when to take MY pills!" He was practically shouting, slamming a fist down on the table. You move back quickly, anger starting to form in your throat, "Take a step back asshole, you're causing a damn scene!" You blurt out, very out of character.

He immediately stops, almost taken aback. He narrows his eyes and watches you a moment, before looking around the diner and slumping back into his seat, anger still subtly drawn on his brow and lip. He watches quietly as you reassure the owner of the diner that everything was now okay. After that, you watched him angrily, arms crossed and eyebrows threaded together.

He laughs. "Y/N, you make that face too long you're gonna start looking like Victoria." Trying to get a reaction out of you, only causing you to turn to look away. He bites his lip awkwardly, rubbing his fingers along his palms stressfully. You did this for minutes on end and he wouldn't stop trying to get your attention.

After a few minutes silence, you hear him rummaging in his bag, you look over in the corner of your eye and turn to face him. He took out some pills and swallowed them dryly, he was looking at you the entire time. "There, happy?" He finally says, leaning back in his chair, leg on a table and arms crossed, you just nodded. "Are you going to eat now? I know I am." You say, taking the menu. He scoffs, "I don't come here to eat, I come here to escape." He mutters, running a hand through his hair.

"Is that you're here early?" You ask quietly, hoping not to hit a nerve, especially Nathan's. "Always am, my family may be rich as fuck but I'm not." He snarls slightly, "Apparently I'm the failure of the family, they hate me." He looks out the window, pupils narrowed and unfocused. "I stay away as much as possible, not even my dorm feels safe." He seems to be shaking slightly. You tilt your head, "I guess it'd be hard being in the most distinguished family in Arcadia Bay..." You mutter, he spits. "I don't need sympathy." He looks back at you, even with his tough guy schtick, you could see the misery in his eyes.

You look at the time, 20 minutes until school started. "Shit! We've been here that long?" You whisper loudly, "Guess I'll grab something to go." Nathan raises an eyebrow, exhaling with a short puff of laughter, "You're worried about getting to school early? What a joke." He smirked, "They won't care if you come in late with me, hell, they can't care." He grabs your arm from over the table and sits you back down again, "Don't be going so soon."

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