chapter 20 - all i wanted

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(art by me, also if you dont know who samantha is in lis:bts then i suggest you check it first :,0)

It was quiet in your room, but your head was buzzing with millions of thoughts and your stomach was tight with a mixture of grief and confusion. It was cloudy outside this morning, but the small speckles of sunshine peaking through echoed off your windows and dappled onto the carpet. There was no light on in your room but the natural lighting from outside helped your mind calm down, only if for moments. You notice your bag on the floor beside your bed and picking up gently and hoisting it over your shoulder and heading out the door. 

You always noticed the small memorial outside of Kate's dorm room every time you left your room, and it made you feel so empty and angry. These people were all laughing at her, and now they're faking their own grief. You may not have helped her that night, but you never said anything terrible, or watched that fucking video. It was the same day you met Nathan and woke up in his room, it still gives you butterflies, but you don't know yet what it means.

Thinking about it more made your heart ache, Nathan is always so mysterious about the topic and you hoped to god that he had nothing to do with it. You were hoping that he was okay. 

Making your way down the halls seemed to take hours, but you finally got to your science class. You remembered this trip every other day, Olivia laughing by your side, linking arms with you. A lump in your throat started to form as you were alone in a crowd full of people. That was when you noticed something.

A bright red jacket.

He noticed you too, large innocent blue eyes focusing onto you as he seems to clear his throat, standing just next to the door to the room. He didn't greet you. He looked very nervous. You gave him a small smile, you didn't want to frighten him, he's gotten this far.

"Hey Nathan, crazy seeing you here." you say in a soft voice, standing beside him. Placing his hands in his pockets and leaning down, he makes eye contact with you, soft purple stains still splashed over his face, a single small bandage over his nose. "I know right, it's as though I fuckin' go here." he looks away again, a short smirk on his face. You snort, "Hard to believe."

That was until you both saw Max walk across the corridor, you noticed Nathan's presence shift, eyes narrowing as if he was a cat and Max was a mouse. You almost needed to hold him back. You shot him a nervous look , finding yourself tugging on his jacket sleeve. Slowly becoming more relaxed, he watched her walk, eyebrows furrowed in a very serious expression, "Lucky her punk-ass friend isn't here with here, I'll kill that bitch next time I see her."

"That won't be necessary, I promise." you reply quietly, pulling him into the classroom. There were a lot of eyes on you and you had a strong feeling to just hide. You looked up at Nathan for reassurance, placing an arm around you quietly, there were many changed expressions in the room, surprise and you could swear you heard a chuckle or two.

"Hey Prescott, glad to see you've finally replaced Samantha." you heard someone shout from outside the corridor. You could feel Nathan tense and you instinctively gripped his sleeve again, although you had no idea what they were talking about. You finally got him to sit down in the back of the class with you, although still being able to tell that he was still very shaky and angry. Whoever Samantha was, she wasn't just some girl.

Fuuuuck. You thought to yourself, you really didn't want to ask about it, there was already so much shit happening that you were tired. You fold your arms onto the table and place your head on top, groaning quietly. 

You suddenly felt a touch to your shoulder, and you open your eyes, Nathan looking down onto you, blue eyes tired and silky eyes. "Good morning" you raises an eyebrow. Blinking your eyes more and sitting up quietly, mumbling drowsily. "I finally come to class and you sleep through it." he snickers, rubbing your back. "Sorry, Nate...didn't sleep well." "Pssh, obviously." You catch his eyes again, you were both alone in the classroom, and even the bustle in the hallway seems quiet. Just the two of you, looking into eachothers eyes.

Suddenly, you look away, remembering the start of the class. Nathan leans his head over to look at your expression. Closing your eyes and sighing, you look up slightly, although not directly at him. "Who is Samantha?" you ask in a dulcet tone, you could feel him stand. "A friend, who cares?" he snaps in his usual tone. "I'm sorry, there's just been so much shit happening that I just...I don't know..." you look down, lip twitching as you try to hold back tears. He holds his hand out to you, and you take it. "Let's go outside, this classroom smells like shit." you mutter half-jokingly. He nods in agreement, putting his hand around your waist and walking you outside.

You both sit next to the fountain, where you had that awkward conversation. It was scratching at your mind but you tried not to pay any attention to it. The sunset was beautiful, but it was so cold. It was autumn, but it never had this chill that made your skin crawl. A huge shiver rolled up your spine and Nathan was there to notice, as you two were close together, sides touching. He suddenly moved as he started taking his jacket off, and putting it on you.

"N-Nathan--" you start to argue, but he wasn't taking no for an answer, and the way he looked at you, it was like no other time. His eyes were so beautiful against the afternoon glow, and it had been a long time since he smiled. "You're a lot like Samantha you know?" he whispered. You gulped, "Really?" looking away as if embarassed, he nodded. "And Rachel."

You cross a leg over your other and fold your arms, "Reaaally now?" You have a playful smirk on your face. "There! That fuckin' smirk of yours!" He says through chuckles, "Fuck...Just like Rachel..." he looked down again, the rest of his snickering becoming quieter as the air became a bit more somber. You couldn't help but smile though, he misses Rachel a lot, and so do you. "And Samantha..." he said quietly, perking your head up again you were ready to hear it. "You were both so careful with me..." he closes his eyes, "You were the only people who didn't judge me. You both stood up for me, you saw me instead of just my family name." You could see his eyes become red, tears starting to well up. He lifted his head, as to make sure you don't notice. You smile sleepily at him, Samantha must've been pretty special too, you felt honoured.

With a small peck to his cheek, you felt salt on his skin as a tear fell down. You watch as he starts to crumble under all that was happening and you moved closer to him and gave him warmth. "I'm here Nathan, you're not alone."

That was when you felt something cold on your neck, which made you perk up swiftly. Snow?  It was beautiful, so serene. Nathan had noticed too, his eyes looking in amazement, one last tear falling down his chin and onto his lap. "Shit, Y/N, look at the sun..!"

There was not only the sun, but the moon, An eclipse? I had no idea... You look back to Nathan again, "Something weird is going on, but who gives a shit anymore." you sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder.

bloodshot eyes and violet smoke - nathan prescott x readerWhere stories live. Discover now