Bumping into paul

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I'm Harmony. Ruth's my best friend but she is a little mad with me... I sort of understand why, but at the same time don't.

Suddenly Harmony stopped. She didn't seem angry anymore, more worried.

"What happened, I asked her. She shushed me and said, "back away!" She whispered, looking even more worried.

I saw someone looking at us both. The guy stood up and starting walking towards us. Ruth gave a me soft nudged and exclaimed, "quick run into that building!"

We were both pretty fast runners and darted towards the entrance. The door wasn't open, so we both loudly banged on it screaming, "hello! Anyone there?" We were both dramatically hitting the door.

After a few seconds the handle turned and a man with the words security written on his shirt "yes?" He asked, a friendly tone in his voice. "Is something wrong?" He said seeing our flushed faces.

"Can w-we please, erm come in?" I huffed. Suddenly the guy saw the oh her guy speed walking behind us.

The security guard grabbed a shoulder each and pulled us in, slamming the door behind him.

The guy had a badge saying Paul on it, then I suddenly remembered, this is one direction security guard! I went really pink in the face and began to pant a little.

"Who is that guy?" Paul asked, pointing at the door. "I dont know." Ruth said truthfully.

I fell back to planet earth and sighed, "I do..." Ruth looked at me funnily, "you do?" I quickly changed the subject. "And you, I know who you are, oh my gosh!" I exclaimed loudly!

I heard Ruth mutter, "today you know everyone." I giggled.

Paul smiled. "Are you a fan!" He asked me.

I fell about laughing. "Oh my gosh! A fan? It's so much more than that theses days! You have know idea!"

Ruth looked at me, then she realised who he was too. She was like, "are you?" Paul nodded. This was the best day of out life's. "Well if your both, the special fans, them I think you deserve to me them, am I right?" We nodded almost allowing our heads to flop off.

Was this guy even serious?

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