Quick thinking

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"Why, what's wrong?" She asks, shock and sympathy filling her tone. I gulp back a few sobs.

I then realise, I can't. I don't want. Say it out loud that is.. Flash backs of scenes no teenager should ever have to go through flashed in my head. I sighed. I pushed hem behind and quickly whisked something to say. I know!

"Well.." I begin, on my lame lie, "I feel real bad cause like Ashton and Amelia were dating and it's my fault I split them up! It is! No wonder Ashton is getting me back by bullying my best friend." I fake sob.

She tilts her head, but smiles. Did she find it happy or amusing?

"Don't worry Harmony, it's ok. I was talking to Amelia a couple of days afterwards and she told me she couldn't stand Ashton Irwin! Seriously, your to kind though, crying cause you felt bad for someone else. Always put others first you do!" Ruth smiles, kindly. I fake smiled, but turned my head to pull a slightly awkward face. Great, she played along to my lie.

I half didn't want her too actually. In fact, I wanted her to wrap her arms around me, hold me and say 'tell me the truth.' Obviously I'm just too good a liar.

I ran my hand through my hair and let out a fake sigh of realise. I nodded to her and smiled again. She grins back. I wiped under my eyes and stood up. I wiped the dust from the floor off my bum and helped Ruth to her feet.

Only seconds later the door gave way and the wanted came bursting in. They were in huffs and puffs, with very angry expressions!

"You too are in a lot of trouble!" One of them said pointing at us in the face.

Me and Ruth looked at each other with panic. Oh no..

"Oh no there not!" Someone shouted from way behind.

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