Chapter one: how it all started

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(oh and btw, the 'unknown' character in this story is my OC. Dont worry you'll get to know her name later on in the story)~ the author

Unknown P.O.V

My name? You don't need to know my name... Well at least for now you don't... All I'm going to tell you now is a bit about my past, that's all

I was born as a normal child. (Well at least that's what I thought) with a mum and a dad... But unfortunaltely she passed away an hour after I was born. I can still just about hear her soft voice talking to me, smell her as sweet as flowers perfume... I know this may sound crazy 'cause I was only a couple of minutes old at the time, but I just know I can still hear her... Her sweet voice whispering in my ear that everything will be alright. That I'm the most beautiful, little person she's ever seen on earth...

Yeah, right. I'm totally the most beautiful thing on earth. My very long, red hair with yellow ends is absolutely fabulous! My green eyes are also VERY beautiful!
I sighed
Why couldn't mom tell the truth and say to me straight in the face that I'm as ugly as nothing? My dad did that. Maybe it was just to make me happy whilst she still lived those last minutes of her life?
I felt a tear rolling down my face...


I'm crying?!

I took out a piece of glass out of my pocket and cut myself deeply. Me crying? I never cry, I wasn't ALLOWED to cry. I wasn't allowed to laugh either... My dad used to say it's not acceptable...

I sighed again

Since the day I was born and up untill my 15th birthday, my dad looked after me. When I would cry, scream, laugh etc. He would punch me or hurt me and after that he would always send me to my room. And once i was up there I would always get a piece of glass and cut myself very deeply. Yes, cut myself. I never minded it, my father didn't either. He said it served me right. And everytime he said that, I would cut deeper.

Right, lets get to the tiny possitive part shall we?

If at the end of every week I was good though, my father would either take me to the candy shop and buy me a lolly or we would go to the park for half an hour. Once when I was at the park (I was around 7 then) I actually had a friend to play with for once! I didn't quite hear what his name was but he was a handome young boy around my age. He had lovely blonde hair and bright green eyes. I litteraly couldn't keep my eyes off him, he was being so nice to me and everything!

That's all the happy memories I have... All the happy memories I can remember...

After 15 minutes of playing, my dad said it was time to go and he dragged me out of the park. He hated it when I tried to make friends and I knew that, so when noone was around he slapped me round the face, dragged me into the car and drove home... I didn't even get to wave goodbye to the cute and kind boy from the park...

Right, lets get my mind off that subject...

Oh yes, I nearly forgot! When I was 12 my father stopped going to the park with me and instead, he would buy me the latest ninjago newspaper. I found that extra annoying and boring but I was happy for what I got anyway.
Now, a couple of minutes ago I said that my dad looked after me up untill my 15th birthday. Why? Because he died. Yes, he died. He became really ill and died.
But when he died something strange happened... A big, purple portal opened above me and sucked me in.


So there I was, I was lying down on the hard floor of a strange place that I heard to be called the Cursed Realm.

It was a very weird place. Ghosts were flying around everywhere and I always felt as if something or someone was following me around. I decided that I would try and get back but i couldn't see an exit anywhere. Plus, it was very dark. But I didn't give up. I started wondering round wanting to ask someone for help but for some reason I felt like that wasn't the best idea so I didn't.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me.
"Well, hello, hello, my dear Niece," said an old-ish man with a weird, white and purple, snake-like hat on his head. I stared at him in shock. Did he just call me his niece?!
"Who the heck are you?" I asked crossing my arms.
"Me? Didn't your dad ever tell you that you had an uncle?" he smiled evily "I am Master Chen," he continued. I was still very confused. That freaky man had my surname!
"B-but Chen is my surname!" I blurted out.
"Exactly. That's why it all adds up to you being my niece, doesn't it?" Master Chen asked.
I nodded
"hm... I guess... but do you know my name?" I said not so confused anymore. There where so many un answered questions. I needed them answering now!
"Of course I know your name! Kaitlyn, your name is Kaitlyn Chen,"
"Correct," I said nodding "Why am I here though?" I blurted out.
"Well thanks to my assistant, he managed to remember a spell that could bring people from the real world to here," Chen started "when I found out about your fathers death, I managed to get you here,"
"But why?" I asked.
"Because you're still young! And when I saw what you are able to do, I thought that I could train you to become a ninja. An evil ninja," he answered.
"But uncle..." I felt weird calling him that "what do you mean by saying 'when I saw what you are able to do' when I can't do anything!" I said and dropped my head in shame.
"My dear niece, you are able to do more than you think you are. Your elemental powers, your flexibility..." Chen started.
"My powers?" I asked "I've got some sort of powers?"
"Yes, your elemental powers. I will teach you how to unlock them, I will teach you how to fight and become a ninja. But all you gotta do is do me a small favour once I tought you everything. Deal?" Chen asked and held out his hand as if he wanted me to shake it. I was still un sure about this. I mean, being evil and unlocking strange powers sounds quite cool but...
"May I ask what the favour is?" I asked Chen with a serious face.
"All you gotta do is capture si- no seven ninja and bring them to me. But don't worry! With all my training, you will be stronger and more powerful than all of them put together!" he answered and he started laughing evily. That was a cool laugh.
I let out an evil smile.
"One last question, how am I spose to capture them and bring them to you?" I asked still smiling evily.
"Well the easiest thing to do is gain their trust and betray them when the time is right. Lead them to a big, empty, foggy space and leave them there. After that me and Clouse, my assistant, will take care of everything else," Chen explained and handed me a photograph.
"Those are the ninja I have to capture?" I asked, not noticing this was another question. But Chen didn't seem to notice either and he nodded.
"I also have a daughter, your cousin. Her name is Skylor Chen and she is the master of amber. She has short hair which is always in that messy ponytail. Her hair colour is just like yours but without the yellow ends. She is the most important one you need," he added.
"This all sounds way too easy. We have a deal," I said shaking Chen's hand.
"That's my niece," he said in a proud, evil way and he gave me a yellow and red ninja gi.
"Go put this on and come back when you're ready," he said and started laughing loudly and evily. I nodded and walked away into a dark corner where I thought noone would see me change my clothes. Just about when I was going to take my shirt off, I saw someone familliar on the photograph Chen gave me. The boy with blonde hair and green eyes... Did i know him? He looked familliar...
I eventually stopped staring at the photograph, took my clothes off and put the ninja gi on. Then, i tied my long red hair in a high ponytail and went back to Chen wondering: do I know that boy from the photograph...?
To Be Continued...

(so what do you guys think?? Do you like it? Is there anything I need to improve on? I'm having fun writing this actually... And even if I do get hate, I won't let that get in my dreams of finishing this story)

(Anyway, will Kaitlyn realise who the boy in the photograph is? How will she get back the normal world? Well, i guess you'll all find out in the next chapter. See ya... Bye! Love ya!) ~ the author

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