chapter 9: so it WAS you!

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Nope, I didn't go to Nya's room this time. Instead, I went to the living room and watched Jay and Kai play video games. I was surprised that Kai didn't go off somewhere with Skylor... oh yeah, he hasn't even asked her out yet...

Like, what is his problem? He likes her and she likes him so why is he so scared of asking her to be his girlfriend? 

Boys these days...

"Haha! You're so bad at this game," laughed Kai pressing the buttons on his controller like crazy.
"Oh really?" Asked Jay.
"Boom! You're down bro!"
"I've still got half a heart left!" Argued Kai and he started shooting fireballs at Jay (in the game). He carried on doing that untill Jay totally lost.

The game looked fun. I never played video games before.

"No, it's not fair! You cheated! You bought too many power ups and used them all on me!" Called Jay.
"Oh well, I won and you can't say that I didn't! " smirked Kai and stuck his tounge out at Jay.
"Re-match!" Shouted Jay.
"Fine, but I've still got tons of power ups left!" Called Kai and they started playing again.

I was starting to get bored of this. I was wondering where the girls are, maybe if they were doing something together then I could join them. Then Nya, Lloyd and Skylor came into the room.
"Hey, what ya doing? " asked Nya.
"Shush Nya, I'm trying to concentrate, " whispered Kai to his younger sister. She rolled her eyes.
"Don't you have anything more interesting to do? Like spend some time with Sky?" She said.
"Oh he doesn't have to! " called Sky nervously.

Nya took the words out of my mouth. I was glad that someone was finally thinking the same thing as me about the whole Kailor situation.

"Ya he does," I said with a smirk before Kai could say anything. Lloyd walked up to the TV and turned it off.
"Hey, I nearly won!" Moaned Jay.
"Tough, you'll win later. But now we need Kai to pay attention to the conversation and ask Sky out," said Lloyd smiling.
"Exactly," I said.
"I.. er.. uh.." stuttered Kai.
Sky blushed so did he.
"Oh don't worry, we have time untill Christmas!" said Cole sarcasticly as he came into the living room. Zane came in aswell.
"Oh do I really need to have such a big audience?" Asked Kai. Everyone nodded.
"Just do it already! " I called impatiently.
"Well... uh... Skylor... would you er... l-like to g-go out with m-me s-sometime and be m-my girlfriend?" Stuttered Kai who was blushing so much that he was as red as his ninja gi.
Everyone awed.
Sky smiled and gave him a small nod.
"I'd love to," she said.

I thought I was gonna melt there and then. I put both of my hands to my heart.
"Awwww!" Everyone kept saying.
"Okay okay, you can stop now, it's getting annoying, " said Kai.
Everyone stopped (eventually).

Skylor walked up to me.
"Hey so, you're feeling alright aren't you? " she asked me.
"Yeah why?" I answered.
"Lloyd told me about yours and his conversion, " she said.
"Ugh, I'm fine! Why won't anyone believe me?" I lied.
"I never said I don't!  I was just wondering, " she explained.
"Okay," I sighed.
"Well tell him that I'm alright,"
I gave her a thumbs up.
"Nuh-uh, you're gonna tell him yourself, and apologise, " she said and started pushing me twards him.

What is she like?

She pushed me so far that I was standing directly in front of him. I took a step back. But she pushed me forward a bit again. I sighed.
"Erm hi," I said with a little wave.
"Oh hey," muttered Lloyd.
"So, look, I'm really sorry about earlier.  I didn't mean to be that harsh, it's just that I was getting slightly annoyed and I just wanted you to know that I'm perfectly fine and that nothing is bothering me," I appologised in one breath. I don't think I ever had to appologise to someone before so it wasn't that easy.
I turned around and saw Skylor giving me a thumbs up. Then I turned back round to Lloyd.
"it's alright Kaitlyn. I'm sorry-" he started. I put my finger to his lips.
"You have nothing to appologise for," I interrupted and then took my finger away.

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