chapter 13: dead...? (part one)

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Skylor's P.O.V.

We saw something lying down at the bottom of the hill. It was in a  shape of a body. It wasn't moving.
"We need to find a way to get down there," I said.
"Well I guess we could just fly down there and see what is is," said Nya.
"True," I agreed as Nya and Lloyd summoned their dragons. I hoped onto Nya's and we flew right to the bottom of the hill. I jumped off her dragon and slowly walked up to the figure with my hand on fire ready to attack just in case.
My eyes widened.
"Guys, it's her!!!" I shouted and Nya and Lloyd appeared behind me.
"Thank goodness," said Lloyd obviously relieved. I crouched down beside her and shook her lightly.
"Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn! Wake up!" I called but she didn't move. That's when I noticed that she had a big bump on her forehead that was also bleeding. She must have hit her head on the tree when she fell down the hill. It didn't look good. Actually, it looked very bad. I started to panick. She might be... dead...
"What's wrong with her? Sky, is she okay?" I heard Lloyd ask me. I shook my head and stood up to face him. He had a worried look on his face. Just like Nya aswell anyway. My face expression was more frightened than worried.
"We have to get her to the bounty and Zane. Now," I ordered. Nya and Lloyd nodded and summoned their dragons once more. I picked Kaitlyn up and let Lloyd carry her. He immediately froze and went pale when he saw her head.
"That's why I said now," I added and jumped onto Nya's dragon.
"We have to be careful not hit the trees with our dragons when we rise. There's a lot of branches and I hope that we fit," said Nya as we slowly rose up into the air, dodging every branch in our way.
"We have to," I said desperately and noticed that Lloyd's grip on Kaitlyn got a little tighter.

A couple of minutes later, we finally got out of the woods and in the sky with a couple of small cuts that some of the sharper branches made.
"Gosh, that was hard," I muttered. "Now, hurry!  We have to get to the bounty!"

le time skip

By the time we got there, I was pretty sure Kaitlyn was dead. The bleeding got worse and the bump got a bit bigger. Lloyd tried to cover it with his own hand to try and stop the blood flowing but I don't  know if it worked. I jumped off Nya's dragon and started screaming.
He came almost immediately and so did the others.
"Sky! Lloyd! Nya! What the heck happened to you?!" Kai called when he saw us three. We must have obviously looked a bit worse than I described.
"We'll tell you later, now where's Zane?!" Lloyd asked and walked up to stand beside me with Kaitlyn still in his hands.
"I am right here friend, what's wrong?" Zane asked running up to Lloyd and looking down at Kaitlyn. "Oh dear... Cole, go get my first aid kit and Lloyd, lay her down, I'll have to scan her,"
Lloyd did as he was told without hesitasion and Zane quickly scanned her. Just as he finished, Cole came back with the first aid kit and gave it to Zane.
"Good news: she's alive. Bad news: if I don't stop the blood flow quickly, she'll die," said Zane.
"Well, what are you waiting for!? Do what you have to and heal her!" I called.

So... we carried Kaitlyn over to the guest room and I'm not exactly sure what happened next. It's been like, two hours and Zane hasn't let anyone in yet. Everyone (except Zane and Kaitlyn of course) is sitting in the living room watching TV and trying to get their mind off it. But I read everyone's mind and it's not working. I can feel the tension in the room and it's not pleasant. Then Kai breaks the silence.
"So can you guys now explain what you were exactly doing in the woods? And why you look like you were attacked by a werewolf? " he asked with a serious expression.
"So uh... long story..." I started. "But we weren't attacked by anything, don't worry. The sharp branches in the woods just kept scratching us and yeah..."
Lloyd and Nya just nodded in agreement.
"But why were you there in the first place?" Asked Jay. I sighed.
"My instincts told me Kaitlyn was there, and Lloyd and Nya decided to come along because they wouldn't let me go by myself," I explained and Jay nodded.
Suddenly, Zane came into the room and I quickly stood up.
"Finally buddy,  what took you so long?" Asked Cole.
"Kaitlyn wasn't just bleeding to death. She had a broken arm and I had to do an opperation. Plus, I cleaned up a bit and gave her new bedsheets,  " Zane explained.
"But is she alive?" I asked. Zane nodded.
"She's asleep right now,"
I ran past him and into the guest room and saw Kaitlyn lying down on her mattress. Her forehead and left arm were bandaged up and she was sleeping calmly like a child. I smiled lightly and sat beside her. Then Lloyd came into the room, sat on the other side of her mattress and looked straight into her closed eyes.
"Now we just have to wait for her to wake up," said Lloyd and I could tell in his voice that he is still worried although Zane said that everything was okay now. But I'm not gonna lie. I am too. "Sky?"
"Yeah?" I said.
"W-what if Zane was wrong? What if Kaitlyn won't make it?"
I remained silent for a while.
"She will. She has to. I trust Zane. He wouldn't let her die," I said. Lloyd nodded.

two days later...

I walked into the guest room and found Lloyd sitting next to Kaitlyn again. She still hasn't woken up and Lloyd sits there next to her every second of the day. More than I do.
"Don't you want to come downstairs and play some video games with Jay?" I asked. Lloyd shook his head. "Oh come on! You can't sit here all day and stare  at her all the time!" I added a bit annoyed.
"Who said I can't?" Argued Lloyd.
I looked at Kaitlyn. I could swear that I just saw her eyes open.

I was correct.

Lloyd looked back at her. His eyes widened and his lips formed a big smile when she sat up.
"Kaitlyn!!" He called and wrapped his arms around her pretty tight. I ran over to her and also smiled. "You're finally awake,"
Kaitlyn's eyes widened and she looked a bit confused. After a while, she wriggled out of the hug and just stared at Lloyd and me.
"Is something wrong Kaitlyn?" Lloyd asked. She nodded very slowly.
"Um yeah, I just want to ask, who exactly are you? And who's Kaitlyn?"

                                    To Be Continued...

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