Chapter 20: Aftermath

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I've always wondered what the world would be like if the evil side won.
I'm just laying here in a puddle of my own blood with broken leg, arm and rib bones. I also have quite deep cuts all over my body. I'm just laying here, bleeding to death. Chen left a while ago with Clouse but believe me or not, he kept his promise and didn't even lay a finger on the ninja.
There's silence. Apart from Lloyd's quiet sobs, the woods is silent. My head is laying towards the 'bubble' but I'm not moving because I don't want to give anyone any hopes that I'm still alive. I'm dying anyway, so what's the point? I'm weak and vulnerable. I can't do anything even if I wanted too.

All of a sudden, the 'bubble' dissapears and everyone sits up surprised.

"So... what now?" I hear Cole ask. Noone answers. I don't think anyone knows the answer.

"KAITLYN!" Skylor screams in horror. She shakily gets up and stumbles over to me. I close my eyes. I'm so tired...
She turns my body over and holds me in her arms. She's clearly sitting down. I don't move. Then I feel a warm drop of liquid on my cheek. Am I crying? No. I don't have any tears left to cry. It's Skylor crying and her tears are dripping down onto my cheeks.
I don't know why she cares about me really. I betrayed them. I'm a monster. I should be left alone to die slowly and painfully.

"Zane?" Says Sky quietly.

"Yes?" He replies.

"Are you feeling strong enough to maybe see if there's any life left in her?" .
No, there really isn't. I'm half asleep. Or shall I say, half dead?

"Sure, I think so," Zane says and I could hear him slowly walking over to me. A blue light then starts shining at my body.

"My calculations could be wrong but they say that Kaitlyn is still alive," I hear Zane's shocked voice say, "Her heart is still beating slowly but she's losing blood quickly,"

"So we can still save her!?" I hear Lloyd get up and ask hopefully.

"If we hurry, then yes, I think so,"

"OH MY GOD! " Skylor screams with happiness and tells me, "did you hear that Kaitlyn!? You'll live!". She lets me go.
I open my eyes slightly but everything is a bit blurry. I notice Lloyd beside me. His eyes are red from crying but he gives me a wide smile. I try to smile back but the trying is useless.

"You're going to be okay," he whispers and moves some of my hair out of my face.

"So how are we going to get her to hospital?" Asks Jay.

"Hospital? Chen is in Ninjago City probably causing chaos. Do you really want to take Kaitlyn there?" Says Nya.

"Well then what are we gonna do?" Asks Kai.

"We'll have to try get to the bounty so I can take care of her," says Zane.

"And me!" Say Lloyd and Skylor at the same time.
And at that exact moment, something starts flying over us. Something big.

"We want the bounty, we get the bounty," says Nya shocked. A wave of happiness flies over me. Maybe I'll live? Maybe I won't die after all? But then everything starts to go even more blurry, I'm panicking. I'm dying.

"Help... Me..." Is all I manage to say and everything goes black.

Skylor's P.O.V

Is Kaitlyn dead? Or did she just faint? I'm panicking again.

"Guys we have to find a way to get on that bounty quick," I say shakily. Lloyd picks Kaitlyn up bridal style and the anchor from the bounty drops down. Lloyd gets on, still holding Kaitlyn and so do I and Zane.

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