chapter 5: a day out

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

We landed right infront of the candy shop. I was dead excited about getting  candy! More candy than I ever had! Well, anything more than 1 lolly would be more than I ever had.

It was weird how Lloyd knew how to cheer me up so quickly. He's a great friend... Well, err... A great 'fake friend'.

The dragon dissapeared and we entered the candy shop. It was amazing.

Rainbow coloured walls and a nice wooden floor. Every candy had its own little section.

I immediately ran up to the strawberry toffies and ate one. The taste of strawberry filled my mouth and the toffee made it chewy and delicious.

"Looks like you're enjoying it," said Lloyd coming up to me and also grabbing one of the strawberry toffee's and eating it. I nodded.
"This is heaven and I never wanna leave," I said putting some more in my mouth. If only my dad let me stay here and get them when I was little.
"To be honest, I havn't been here in a while myself," admitted Lloyd looking around.
"Well I havn't been here in about 10 years!" I called.
"10 years?!" asked Lloyd surprised. I nodded and finally swallowed my candy.
"How can you survive so long without candy?" he added. I started to get annoyed. To be honest, I have a really short temper.
"Well, I dunno, I guess I just ate something else," I answered walking over to the lolly pop section. Lloyd shruged and followed.

Time skip!! (why? Because I'm a lazy person 😀😉)

After a couple of hours, me and Lloyd finally walked out of the candy shop. I was ever so tired for some reason but there was no way that I was going to show it.

"So erm, where to now?" I asked pretending to sound as cheerfull and excited as I possibly can. Cause as if I will actually ever BE excited for anything... Well, maybe only for the day when I was going to get my power.
Lloyd looked at the sky. The sun was slowly setting.
"Perfect... follow me!" Said Lloyd as he started walking twards a thing called 'the ninjago park'. I was confused but followed him. The sun is setting and we are going to some park? I sighed. Well,  why not? Should be fun...
Lloyd looked at me when we reached the entrance to the park.
"Close your eyes," he said calmly and smiled. I was starting to feel nervous but did as I was told. He grabbed my wrist and led me into the park. I could feel my cheeks blushing.
"Er Lloyd? Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see," he answered.

A couple of minutes later we reached our destination. Lloyd let go of my wrist and told me to open my eyes.

What I saw was astonishing... My eyes widened and a big smile appeared on my face.

Yellow fairy lights were hung up on trees shining like the stars and a little picnic blanket was layed out on the grass with strawberries and other fruit put on it.
"W-whats all this for?" I asked astonished. Lloyd smiled.
"Welcome to ninjago!" He said cheerfully
"Its a little welcome gift/ mini party from me. Do you like it?"
"I love it! Thank you so much!" I called.
"But if its a party then shouldn't others be here?"
"Nah, they would all probably just ruin it. Cole would eat all the food aswell," said Lloyd shrugging. I ran up to the blanket and sat down.

It was such a beautiful night. The starts were shining extra bright. Lloyd came over and sat down infront of me.
"How did you manage to get all of this sorted?" I asked. Lloyd smirked.
"I have my ways," he answered grabbing a strawberry. I took one aswell and looked at it.
"Do they taste nice?" I ask looking at the little, red fruit things. Lloyd looked a little surprised.
"You never had strawberries before?" He said. I gave him an annoyed look and rolled my eyes.
"Well duuh, when did you expect me to taste them? When I was still with my dad? Don't think   so,". I looked at the strawberry once more before putting it in my mouth....
There was no going back now.
Those are actually quite nice. Very nice!

My face brightened.
"Those are so nice!" I called eating some more.
"Haha, glad you like them," said Lloyd standing up.
"We better get going, it's getting late,"
"Already?" I asked.

Well, not that I actually enjoyed this...

"Sorry, but the others might start to become worried," said Lloyd. I stood up and nodded lightly.
"Lets go," I agreed. Lloyd picked up the blanket and we both exited the park.

When we both got to the bounty, Skylor ran out immediately to see us.
"Where the heck have you been?!" She shrieked but after a couple of seconds,  her concerened look turned into a smirk. I glared at her cause I knew what she was thinking. So did Lloyd.
"Lloyd took Kaitlyn out on a date!" She called. I clenched my fists.
"Did not!" Shouted Lloyd. I sighed and put on my best fed up look. It wasn't easy. Why? Because to me it was a delight to see two people arguing.
"Skylor, why have you got to be so annoying? I thought family was sposed to be helpful and supportive and not annoying and idiotic," I called and tried my best not to smile. Skylors smirk turned into a frown. I turned and walked away into Nya's room.

To be honest, that was the only place I could go.

I dropped down on the bed and finally let my evil smile out.
"Since I'm here, everything is changing. Can't wait till the chaos starts," I whispered to myself and let out an evil laugh.

Then I heard someone coming so I immediately wiped off my evil smile.
"Hey, can I come in?" Said Skylor slowly oppening the door. I rolled my eyes.
"Sure," I said coldly. (My fav tone of voice). Skylor came in and sat down on the bed beside me with a kinda upset face expression on her face.
"Look, I'm... sorry, okay? I just wanted to joke around and I didn't think that you would get upset," she blurted out. Is she serious? 
I looked at her and sighed.
"I guess it's fine, but never do stupid jokes on me again," I warned.
"Fine, but I'm still aloud to ship you two right?" Asked Skylor.
"What, me and Mr. Energy?" I said frowning. Sky nodded. I groaned.
"No-" I started.
"Oh thanks!" Interrupted Skylor and ran out of the room.

I was alone again...

Then, I heard someone come back and wrapping their arms around me.

I looked up to see who it was. It was Skylor.

I never got a hug like that before... in fact, I never got a hug... it felt heart warming. I gave a light smile and hugged her back.

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