Chapter 19: plan starts... now

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

Today is the day. The day I have to complete this stupid mission, but I still don't know if I can do this. I'll die if I don't. I know how powerful Chen already is, he could kill me with a blink of an eye and the ninja wouldn't be able to save me even if nothing was in their way. I sighed loudly. I couldn't sleep all night and now I feel like a corpse so I don't think it would make a difference.
I got myself sorted and ate breakfast, avoiding everyone. Not making any physical or eye contact. But I could tell that everyone was staring at me suspiciously as I walked by them. I don't know how I was going to survive the day like this.

Nya's P.O.V.

"Maybe... she's just feeling a bit unwell..?" suggested Cole. I decided to call a small meeting in the living room once Kaitlyn went upstairs to talk about her weird behaviour for the past few days. Everyone agreed with me that there's something up with Kaitlyn and we're trying to figure out what. I already filled them in on the details.

"A bit unwell? Seriously?" quesioned Kai.

"Or maybe she's depressed?" I suggested.

"Not a bad thought, but why would she be depressed?" said Lloyd.

"She has no reason to be, we're all nice to her. Right?" finished Jay looking over at Kai.

"What? Why you looking at me? She's not just my girlfriends cousin  but a pretty cool person aswell, why would I be mean to her?" said Kai. Me and Lloyd exchanged looks. We both knew that Kai shouted at Kaitlyn yesterday and that could've made things worse.

"Well... She might be worried about Skylor a bit too much," I said.

"Yes, but didn't she say that she knows someone who could help her?" said Zane.

"True," I agree.

"Well other than the Skylor situation, she hasn't got anthing to be worried about. Right..?" said Lloyd. Then something popped into my head and I think we were all thinking the same thing cause we all had the same wide eyes.

"Kai, you know how Kaitlyn came from the cursed realm in the first place?" I ask.

"Yes.. but you're not suggesting that it has something to do with..."

"Chen," finished Lloyd.


"Guys, we have to be careful, what if she's up to something?" said Jay.

"No way, Kaitlyn wouldn't do that. She's been nice to everyone since she came here and clearly appreciates us letting her stay. We're like family now," said Lloyd, clearly dissagreeing.

"We know but what if she's just a really good actress and trying to trick us into thinking that?" asked Cole.

"She wouldn't... surely, she wouldn't try to hurt us like that," said Lloyd with a tiny bit of fear in his voice. I felt sorry for him, I know he and Kaitlyn became really close and it would be heartbreaking for him if she turned out to be evil.

"Well guys, we don't know for sure if she's evil yet but it would be a good idea to keep an eye on her," I say quickly and everyone agreed. Well, almost everyone. Lloyd just sat there staring at the floor trying to take it all in.

Time skip...

Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

Okay, plan starts... now.

"Guys! We have to take Skylor now!" I call and Kai comes in, "come on, the quicker we get her there, the quicker she'll wake up,".
Kai picks Skylor up bridal style and carries her out onto the deck where everyone else was already waiting on their dragons. He summons his and puts Skylor on his lap holding her in one arm and holding the chain that controls the dragon (I don't know what it's called) in the other.

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