chapter 8: an unexpected visitor

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Okay love birds, time to tidy this place up a bit," said Skylor. I rolled my eyes at the word 'love birds'. Geesh, just because Lloyd cares about me as much as you do, doesn't mean he loves me!

Does it? O.o


"Oh says the one that's still hugging Kai," I teased. She let go of him and blushed. He kinda did too. I got out of bed and looked at the bloody mess that I made... on the floor and a bit on the bed. I sighed. That's the moment where everyone else noticed the blood on the floor.
"What the heck happened to my room!?" Shrieked Nya putting her hand to her mouth.
"Oh it's just a little accident that happened, " I said nervously and scratched the back of my head.

Oh yes, what's with my arm?
I looked down at it and saw thick stitches. For goodness sake, seriously?  I had to have stitches?

"Don't lie Kaitlyn,  it's not a 'little accident'" said Skylor. Then she started telling everyone about me cutting myself and all that stuff. When she finished, I put my head down in shame. But only because I cut myself so deep. "So you're telling me that Kaitlyn cut herself ever so deep and had to have stitches just because she hugged a boy? No offense Kaitlyn, but that's kinda stupid..." said Cole crossing his arms.
"I know, I'm sorry," I lied. Excuse me it's not stupid, how would you feel if you were in my position huh?

Skylor squirted some water onto the blood that was on the floor.
"Hurry up, lets just get this over and done with, " said Sky impatiently.

About an hour and a half later, everything was tidy again. As if nothing ever happened. Everyone has gone off somewhere except Lloyd who just stayed with me randomly.
"So er... aren't you gonna go?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Someone needs to keep an eye on you Kaitlyn, " he answered.
"Hey, I'm fine now, I can take care of myself, " I said and rolled my eyes.
"I'm serious," he said.
"I don't want anymore of your 'accidents' happening,"
I sighed.
"Over-protective," I muttered to myself.
"What did you say?" Asked Lloyd obviously hearing something.
"Oh nothing nothing," I answered.
"I'm gonna go get something to drink," I said and walked out of the room. Lloyd followed.
"Omygosh you don't have to follow me around everywhere! " I called annoyed. Lloyd smirked.
"I know I know, this time I was just teasing. No need to get mad," he said and walked off.

I shook my head and smiled to myself.  What is he like?
I went into the kitchen and got a glass of strawberry flavoured water. Just about as I was about to drink it...

Someone or something appeared infront of me. It was a ghostly figure of... Chen!? I quickly shut the door to the kitchen.
"Uncle Chen? Is this you?" I asked and started walking round the kitchen. The figure moved and noticed me.
"Oh Kaitlyn! My niece! How are you doing? Gained some of the ninjas trust yet?" He asked excitingly. I smirked.
"I actually have.  A lot of it," I answered in a proud way.
"Great! I never knew you were a great actress!" He called and smiled evily. I smiled back evily.
"We'll get our powers before you know it uncle. They seem to really like me," I added.
"Ohhh... you know what Kaitlyn?  You just made my day. All Clouse has been doing since you were gone is moaning how you were going to fail the task! What an idiot right?" Called Chen and laughed.
"Right. He's always been an idiot," I muttered out loud. Chen shrugged.
" but if you look on the bright side: if Clouse wasn't here then you might have never met me!" He called.
"Hm, true, whatever, " I said. Then I heard someone walking down the corridor near the kitchen.
"Right, I guess I have to go! Don't fail Kaitlyn or you know what will happen, " he warned and with a blink of an eye he was gone.
At the same moment,  Lloyd opened the kitchen door and came in.
"Hey Kaitlyn,  what's taking you so long? Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine greenie," I answered and drank my water.

That's the moment when I started thinking to myself if all those evil smirks, smiles and words I told Chen were true. I actually started feeling that the ninja are like a big family to me.

Well, if it wasn't for Skylor, Lloyd and Zane,  I don't think I would have been still alive. They really look like they care. I do too.

Urgh... why is this so hard? I only came here with one, easy task and now it's just getting harder and harder to complete. I wish I had no feelings. That way it would have started easy and still be easy now. Feelings are a confusing thing... but if I fail the task Chen would hurt me... kill me... torture me... and the ninja wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

"They saved my life. Don't make the wrong decision..."  I thought to myself, and that just made things worse.

"Hello!? Earth to Kaitlyn! Are you still with us?" I heard Lloyd call to me which made me snap out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm still with you," I said looking at him.


I think that just sounded a bit awkward...

"Er... I mean... yeah,  I'm still here... I've snapped out of my thoughts now..." I tried to correct myself and facepalmed. Lloyd just laughed.
"Don't worry, I get what you mean," he said whilst laughing. I let out a small giggle myself.
"But back to the serious part now," he continued when we he stopped laughing.
"Is something bothering you? You don't always daydream or go into deep thoughts like this,"
"Bothering me? No," I lied.
"Oh come on, you know you can trust me," he smiled and slightly walked up to me.

You know you can trust me... can I really?

"I know I know,  I'm fine," I lied again.
"Hmm... alright... but something tells me to not believe you," said Lloyd.
"Well ignore that thing!" I said nervously. Lloyd narrowed his eyes.
"We'll get back to this subject," he said.
"Erm, yeah, no need to," I said and gave him a thumbs up.
"You're just making me believe that there's something wrong Kaitlyn, " he said. I sighed.

Seriously? Just. stop. Please.

Quit. Talking. About. It.

"Everything's okay and even if it's not then it's none of your buisness! Stop being so over protective!" I blurted out and ran out of the room.
                  To be continued...

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