chapter 15: The Past

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I walked up to the guest room, careful not to fall or trip this time; changed into my pyjamas and re-did my ponytail. I wasn't tired or anything but I decided to at least try and sleep. I climbed onto my matress, layed my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt a warm kiss against my forehead and woke up. I didn't see anyone. It looked like it was about midnight so I slept for a good couple of hours . I stood up and hopped off the matress. I looked to my right and saw that Sky was fast asleep and she looked about... 6? WHAT!? Why does she look so young? What was that weird kiss against my forehead that woke me? Was it her? Nah, I doubt it. Sky's beautiful red hair was now no longer than Nya's. Her pyjamas were white with a cute bunny printed onto the top. She was hugging a small, orange blanket. She was also sleeping on a bed... Then a thought hit me... if Skylor is 6 then I must be...4!? I looked down at myself, I was also wearing pyjamas. Yellow with a cute, ginger kitten printed onto the top. My hair was still red with yellow ends but it wasn't in a ponytail and only reached up to my shoulders. I started panicking slightly. Why have I turned into a child!? Did I travel in time in my sleep? So many questions that need answering.
Careful not to wake Sky, I walked up to the door and opened it slightly. That's when I saw that I wasn't on the bounty... I was in a fancy house, quite big too. Even in the pitch black, this place seemed very familiar. Somehow.
I walked down a long corridor that lead to big, twisted stairs. That's when I heard voices from downstairs. Adult voices. And possibly television too. I started walking down the stairs that bearly made any sound and entered a big living room. I noticed two adults. A woman about 30, with short, red hair that had a couple of yellow streaks. And eyes, as blue as the sky. And a man, about 35, with short brown hair (it was in a style similar to Cole's) and beautiful green eyes. They were both sitting on the couch watching a movie. They seemed so familiar. Then the woman turned her head in my direction and smiled.
"Kaitlyn, sweetie, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream darling?" She asked.

My eyes watered and I didn't try hold them back. I knew that voice all to well...


"You're the cutest, most beautiful girl in the world," my mom whispered in my ear when I was born, "you'll be safe with daddy, he will take good care of you whilst I'm in heaven, watching over you. You'll grow up to be the smartest girl in the universe, have a lot of friends and a caring boyfriend when you're older. Okay, little one? You'll have a good life, I promise..."

~end of flashback~

"Mommy, is that you!?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

(A/N did you guys think that was the end? Don't worry I'm not that mean xD)

The man looked at me and glared.
"Of course it's me child, why are you acting like this? What happened?" My mom asked. I ran into her arms and hugged her tight. I noticed from the corner of my eye that the man (most likely my horrible father) was giving me a warning look but I ignored it. Noone could hurt me when mom was around. She would never let that happen.
"Is something wrong Tony?" Mom asked my dad whilst patting my back and stroking my hair. She obviously saw his face expression.
"Oh, no, not at all Jane. Everything's fine," he answered, hissing the last word which made me shiver.
"Auntie Jane?" Said a little red-haired girl standing at the door. It was Skylor.
"Yes Skylor dear? What's the matter? Did you have a bad dream too?" Asked mom.
Skylor nodded, "is Kaitlyn here too?"
"Yes darling,". I lifted my head off my mom's shoulder, looked at Sky and smiled. She giggled, smiled back, jumped onto the sofa next to mom and wrapped her hands around me and mom.
"My daddy doesn't ever give me hugs. All he is interested in is power," she said pulling a face which made me giggle. Mom looked at us and smiled. I looked back at her. I felt like I didn't have a single worry in the world right now. All I cared about was this moment and this moment only.
Mom gave both, me and Sky, a kiss on the forehead that felt like the exact same one that woke me up. I never wanted this moment to end.

Then, all of a sudden, everything started fading.  I felt a cold breeze run through  my body.
"Mom? Mom! MOM!" I screamed. She didn't hear me. I saw dad smirking in the background before everything went black.
I sat up on my matress. Sweat running down my forehead. I looked to the side and noticed Skylor kneeling down beside me, her face expression filled with horror. She looked her normal age again, so did I, we were back at the bounty again.
"Name me all the main 6 ninja, now," she ordered. I looked at her, confused, but did as I was told.
"Kai, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Nya and Zane," I said.
"Now, tell me your parents' names...." said Sky, her voice going softer but more worried.
I shut my eyes, trying to remember the 'dream', "Jane and Tony,"
Sky went pale, "did your dream include us two as children and then hugging your mom?"
"Um yeah, how did you know?"
Skylor swore under her breath, "I think we both just remembered a part of our childhood that we weren't meant to remember,"
I looked at her, more confused than ever.
"Why weren't we meant to remember? Can you please explain what's going on!?"

     To Be Continued...    

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