Chapter 22: Another Dream?

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One week later...

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I'm running. Running and I can't stop. The corridor feels endless. But I need to get to the end of it.


I don't know.
I suddenly see a light and start running even faster. Then I hear a voice. A woman's voice. It seems so familiar...

"I'm gonna catch you!" says a woman in short red hair with yellow streaks. She's running after a small girl that looks exactly like me... wait, it is me! This is so weird... I'm not in my body... I'm watching from the side. Like in a movie! Oh my Gosh, is this another dream/ memory from when I was four? Is that really my mom..? If it is... I'm gonna make the most of it and find out as much as I can.

Little Me giggles and carries on running around the massive garden we're in. Skylor isn't here this time which dissapoints me a little.

"Noooo mommy, I'm faster than you!" Little Me shouts in a childish voice. Then, suddenly, my mom grabs the Little Me throws her into the air and then catches her again. Little Me screams and giggles again.


"No fair! You probably used super lightning speed like Auntie used to," Little Me pouts. Auntie? What Auntie?
She- I mean, I don't mean Skylor's Mom, do I? She's not sposed to be alive... but then again niether is my mom...

Mom laughs and puts me down, "no sweetie, I didn't use super lightning speed, I promise,"

Then Little Skylor skips out from no where.

"Peek-a-boo!" She giggles and dissapears. Little Me gasps.

"Mommy! How did she do that!?" She asks, shocked, "oh gosh, has she got powers like you mommy?"

"Yes! Yes!" Little Skylor squeels, after showing up again. She's  clearly excited, "Mommy is teaching me how to control them better,"

Wait, what?
So is the story about Skylor's Mom dissapearing also a lie...?

Little Me looks down at the floor and then looks up at mom with big eyes.

"How come I don't have powers mommy?"

My mom picks me up again gives me a kiss on the forehead, "you'll get them one day darling. I promise. You just don't have them yet cause you're still young,"

"But Sky has got hers,"

"It's confusing sweetheart, you'll understand when you're older," she sighs and puts me down again," Now off you go and play girls. Are you staying for dinner Skylor sweetie?"

Little Skylor nods, "my mom said that she and daddy will come in around an hour for dinner too,"

"Oh well you should've said so! I'll prepare something special," she blows us both kisses and dissapears into the house.
That's when  cold air started blowing which made me shiver. Then the world started spinning.
Oh God, what's happening!?


I sit up in my bed. Eyes wide. It's really dark and I can't see anything.
Wait, is this the real world!?
I try to get out of bed but it's useless because there's something attached to me. I'm also covered in bandages and gypsums.
What the hell..?

And that's when it hits me. Chen. He hurt me and betrayed me. I slowly start remembering everything again.
So it looks like the ninja got back to the bounty and helped me. They helped me. Why?

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