chapter 11: the date

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

When I woke up, it was early in the morning. As always. Everyone was still asleep. Some of the ninjas were sleeping in the most random positions.

Cole had his arms and legs stretched out like he owned the place.

Skylor's head was resting on Kai's shoulder and his head was resting on top of her head. Cute.

Zane was asleep sitting straight up. Awkward... and creepy...

Jay was lying down and Nya had her head on his chest. Also cute.

Then, I noticed in what kind of position I was. My head was on a pillow but the pillow was on...

*sigh then gasp*

Lloyd's lap...? Why the heck...

I looked up and saw Lloyd sleeping calmly. His head was tilted side ways a bit and back against the sofa.

I seriously don't remember going to sleep in a position like this. I don't even know where the pillow came from! Maybe my head accidentaly fell side ways whilst I was sleeping. But that still doesn't explain the pillow!

And I would be usually freaking out by now but I'm bearly shouting...
I'm actually quite comfy.
I seriously can't be bothered to start running around the room, waking everyone up and asking where the flipping pillow came from.

I let out a small laugh.
I actually imagined myself doing that. Then I burried my face into the pillow to stop myself from bursting out laughing.
Who the heck would run around a place and scream:
"What the heck is that pillow doing here?! Someone explain!! I was sleeping calmly untill I woke up and found myself laying down with my head on a pillow!"

Okay, I'm litteraly crying of laughter into the pillow right now.

After that, I felt soft, warm fingers run through my hair.
"Kaitlyn, are you okay?" I heard Lloyd whisper.
I quickly wiped my tears of laughter, looked up at him and told him what I was thinking to myself. He was really close from bursting out laughing aswell.
"I know exactly who would do that," laughed Lloyd quietly, careful not to wake anyone up.
"Who?" I asked.
"Drunk Jay," answered Lloyd.
"No Kaitlyn! Don't you dare imagine it!" He added. That's the moment we both knew we imagined it.
That's it. We couldn't hold the laughter in anymore. We both burst out laughing nearly waking everyone up.

After a couple of seconds, I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing any more.
"Okay, I'm calm now," I said breathing in and out. I put my hand back down.
"Me too," whispered Lloyd. He was still smiling though.
That's when I asked the big question.
"Right so seriously now, where did the pillow actually come from? " I asked. Lloyd shrugged.
"All I remember is falling asleep and then waking up and finding your head on my lap," he answered casually. I nodded and just about stopped myself from blushing. I quickly sat up like nothing happened.
"What time is it?" I whispered.
"It's around 6 am," he answered. Then it hit me. I might have accidentaly woken Lloyd up with all my laughing. Whoops...
"Did I wake you up?" I said quickly and nervously.
"Nope, not at all. I was actually awake when you woke up,"
I let out a small sigh of relief.
"Then why didn't you talk to me?" I asked.
"Meh, I couldn't be bothered, " he teased and smirked.
I gave him a playful punch on the arm and he pretended it hurt.
"Ow Kaitlyn! Don't beat me up!" Lloyd carried on teasing. I rolled my eyes.
"Stop it greenie," I called quietly.

Time skip

Skylor's POV

I woke up and found my head laying down on Kai's shoulder. He was still asleep so I gently lifted my head and pecked his cheek.

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