chapter 14: dead...? (part two)

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Skylor's P.O.V

"W-what do you mean 'who am I'?" Asked Lloyd. He waved a hand in front of her face whilst I just stared at Kaitlyn completely shocked. Has she hit her head on that tree so hard that she lost all her memory?
"If this is a joke then it's not funny," continued Lloyd.
"This isn't a joke," said Kaitlyn truthfully, "please explain who you are, that girl is," she pointed to me "and who Kaitlyn is,"
"You are Kaitlyn! Skylor is the girl on your right and she's your cousin whilst I'm Lloyd, your... your best friend!" Exclaimed Lloyd and I could tell in his voice that he was more than just upset.
"We need to go to Sensei," I suddenly said. Lloyd shook his head.
"But he's not here, remember? "
"We need to get Zane then. So he can scan her and check exactly what's wrong with her," I stood up and walked out in search of Zane.

I was lucky to find him in the kitchen.
"Zane! " I called, "Kaitlyn lost her memory!"
"She lost her memory? When I scanned her, her memory was fine," he replied calmly.
"Well it doesn't look like she's pretending," I said crossing my arms.
"Are you sure?"
"Fine, I'll scan her again," he said and walked out of the room. I followed.

"Who's this?" Asked Kaitlyn as soon as she saw Zane, "is he... metal?"
"That's Zane, he's a nindroid," explained Lloyd. Kaitlyn nodded slowly.
"Why are you here?" She asked.
"To scan you. Skylor told me that you lost your memory," said Zane. Kaitlyn's expression went from understanding to confused.
"Lost my memory?  You're joking?"
"Nope," I said. Zane walked up to her and blue light started shining out of his eyes. Kaitlyn shut her eyes tight as if she just looked at the sun with her bear eyes; the light wasn't at all that bright. She opened them again when Zane finished the scan.
"Sooo... yes, she did lose her memory - my first scan obviously was not completely correct - but do not worry, it's not for long," said Zane.
"And how long is 'not long'?" I asked.
"Hard to say. Maybe, 2 to 5 days?"
At that moment, Lloyd ran out of the room and came back about 5 minutes later with a small piece of paper in his hand. His face expression was serious. 

"What's that?" I asked. Lloyd ignored me, walked up to Kaitlyn and showed her the piece of paper. I looked over Kaitlyn's shoulder and then I realised that it wasn't just a piece of paper; it was a photo. It showed two children, probably Kaitlyn and Lloyd, playing together in the sandpit and the park. I smiled lightly, they looked really cute. "Aww, that's so sweet," I added.

"Please tell me you remember that day..." said Lloyd quietly and hopefully to Kaitlyn.

"Is that us?" she asked.

"Yes!" said Lloyd, nodding his head enthusiasticly.

"So we knew each other since we were children?"

"I guess... you can say that,"

Kaitlyn took the photo in her hands and also smiled.

"It is sweet, isn't it?" she said turning her head to me. I nodded and thought that no matter how hard she hits her head on a stone or tree, she will always remember that day because it's her happiest memory.


Meanwhile, in the cursed realm...

Noone's P.O.V.

Chen was walking up and down a short, dark corridor in the cursed realm. He was really mad and annoyed.

"They'll make a goody 2 shoes out of her! She'll forget all about the mission and everything will be lost! Clouse do something!!" he kept on saying to Clouse, who was started to get fed up.

"Master, didn't you hear what the robot said? Her full memory will return in a couple of days," said Clouse.

"Yes, but the betreyal is in a week! And if her memory returns in 5 days then she'll have only one day to go over the plan and prepare; that's not much is it!?"

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