chapter 6: training training I CAN DO SPINJITSU! but also... my biggest mistake

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I woke up again at 6 in the morning today and noticed that noone was around. I still wasn't hungry after having so much food yesterday so I decided to go around and explore the bounty a bit more.

I got out of bed, changed from my borrowed pyjamas into my normal ninja gi and went outside onto the deck. I was a bit surprised about what I was seeing when I got there.

There was a lot of equipment out and all the ninjas, including Sky, were training.

Why on earth are they out training now?! It's so early!

Then, Sky noticed me and came up to me. Sweat was trickling down her forehead and she looked quite tired.
"Hey Kaitlyn,  why are you up so early? " she asked.
"I was about to ask you the same question! " I answered.
"Well I've been up for quite a while now training with the others," said Skylor wiping her forehead.
"That early? It's like six in the morning, " I said.
"Apparently that's the time they sometimes get up to train, so I decided to join them," answered Skylor.
"Hey, you could've woken me up and let me join you!" I called.
"Sorry, I thought you wanted to sleep," said Skylor and shrugged.
"Hey Sky, what are you... oh hi Kaitlyn! " called Kai. I looked at him and noticed that there was about 2 other ninjas training aswell. One in a white gi and one in a black. I stared at them confused.
"Who are they?" I pointed at the two ninjas that I haven't seen before.

Well I've seen them on my little photograph but I don't know their names.

"Oh yes, Kaitlyn, meet Zane and Cole," explained Kai pointing at the white ninja first and then at the black.
"Hi," I said with a little wave.
"Greetings," said Zane stopping to train for a bit. Cole stopped too.
"Heya Kaitlyn," said Cole.
"What are your elemental powers? " I asked randomly. If I had too defeat them, then I had to know what I was going up against.
"Well, I'm the master of earth and he is the master of ice," Answered Cole casually, pointing at himself first, then Zane. I nodded. Then they both got back to training.
"Did you have your breakfast yet?" I asked Skylor randomly.
"Of course, the pancakes that Zane made are in the kitchen, go and eat some if you want," answered Skylor.
"Sure thanks," I said and walked off to the kitchen. I  ate the pancakes,  and came back out to the deck.

This time, the ninja were spinning around and making tornadoes.
How can they do that!? I mean, I know how to fight with fists and powers but this?! Chen never told me that they could do such thing! Well all of them could do it except from Sky. She was just kinda left out in that activity so she walked away a bit and started fighting a punching bag. I walked over to her still staring at the ninja.
"Sky can you please explain what they are doing and why aren't you doing it?" I asked. Skylor stopped fighting the punching bag and looked at me. She had a slight look of jelousy on her face.
"Well, what they are doing right now is called spinjitsu and I'm not doing it because I can't do it," she answered.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Well maybe because my father hasn't taught me how to do it. I'll ask sensei if he can teach me once he gets back, " she explained re-doing her messy, short ponytail.
"Where is he?" I asked again.
"Well, from what I've heard is that he has gone to visit another realm. And just to answer your last question, yes, you can ask him if he can teach you aswell," she said.

I was about to ask her how did she know what I was gonna say but then I remembered that she could read minds.
"Alright," I said staring at the ninja. Their tornadoes were so beautiful and colourful. I wondered what colour mine would be. Yellow like my gi, grey like the rainclouds,  dark blue like stormclouds...
Then I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me snap out of my thoughts and made me jump. I turned around and saw Lloyd.
"Lloyd! You scared me!" I said putting a hand on my heart.
"Sorry Kaitlyn! I was just wondering what you were up to," said Lloyd.
"Well first she was talking to me and then she got lost in her thoughts," said Sky continuing to fight the punching bag.
"Exactly. How did you learn to this this whole spinjitsu thing?" I asked.
"Sensei taught us I guess," answered Lloyd.
"Oh Kaitlyn,  don't start with the questions again!" Called Skylor obviously annoyed that I ask so much questions.
"Okay okay, I won't but Lloyd, can you please show me it again?" I begged .
"Sure," said Lloyd stepping away from me.
"Ninja-go!" He called as he started spinning around and making an emerald green tornado. It was the colour of his eyes. So beautiful.
"Wow cool," I said sighing dreamily.
"You try," he said smiling.
"Me? Pfft, you really expect me to able to do such a thing?" I asked astonished.
"Yeah, well you probably won't do it first time but it's worth a try," said Lloyd reasuringly.
"Alright,  here goes nothing," I said and spun around.
Before I knew it I was lying flat on the floor.
"Ow," I said and slowly got up.
"Try again," said Lloyd.
"In my opinion you did quite well for your first try,"

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