Chapter 3: Nya and Lloyd

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

Ha yes! I thought that I would be really bad at pretending to be good but this is really easy to be honest. I think that Skylor likes me already which is good. This will be done in no time. Uncle Chen will be so proud of me!

Skylor's P.O.V

Is Kaitlyn really my cousin? Well, she has got the same surname but she might be making it up. How do I know that she isn't secretely working for Chen? Nah, I doubt it. No evil person would be so good at pretending to be good. Would they?

Kai's P.O.V

I'm still not totally sure about this whole Kaitlyn girl. For some reason she looks suspicious. Well I guess that if Skylor trusts her then I can aswell. I just hope that we are safe with her and that she won't cause any trouble. I don't want to be dealing with another kid like Lloyd.
"Is that the candy shop?!" called Kaitlyn, her eyes widening.
"Yes, it is, why?" I asked.
"Oh, you have no idea how much I love candy!" she answered
"can we please land and get some? Please please please!"
I sighed. I was right. She is another kid that loves candy and probably video games aswell. She also looks Lloyd's age.
"The perfect two," I muttered under my breath and rolled my eyes.
"Was that a yes?" asked Kaitlyn un patiently.
"Listen, we might come to the candy shop tomorrow with you and Lloyd and then you'll get your candy," I answered getting slightly annoyed.
I bet Skylor could tell 'cause she layed a hand on my shoulder and gave me the 'calm down, everything is okay' look.

She always had a way of making me calm again. Maybe it was the sparkle in her eyes. Or the sweetness in her smile.
"Oh fine," said Kaitlyn and crossed her arms
"Who's Lloyd by the way?"
"He's the green ninja. You know, the one with the blonde hair and the green ninja gi," answered Skylor.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

The one with the blonde hair! Wait could that possibly be... No, it can't be!

I took the photograph out of my pocket and looked at it. The blonde haired boy with the green ninja gi! He's the one! The boy I met on the park!

My body filled with joy. I wonder if he remembers me still. I would be the happiest person alive if he did. Then the thought of having to betray him filled my mind and I became sad. Why does it has to be him? Can't it be someone else?
I shook my head to get the thought out and put the photograph back in my pocket.
Well, of course, on the other side I still don't know for sure if he is the boy from the park.

That thought cheered me up again and I started hoping for the best.
"Look, there's the bounty!" called Kai pointing to a big flying ship.
"Whoa!" I said amazed.
"It's a flying ship!"
"It sure is," laughed Skylor as the dragon landed and dissapeared. Out of nowhere, a girl with super short, black hair ran out and hugged Kai. I guessed it was Nya.
"Where have you been?! I was worried sick!" she screamed not aware of me and Skylor.
"I told you that I went to visit Skylor," answered Kai.
"And also the last time I checked, I was the older, overprotective brother," he added. Nya crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Then out of another room, came out a blonde boy dressed in Green pyjama's.
"What's all this noise? I'm trying to slee-" he said and looked at me and Skylor.
"Skylor?" he asked shocked. Then Nya looked our way.
"Hey, not to be rude or anything. But what are you doing here?" she asked curiously.
"And who's the girl next to you?" asked Lloyd pointing at me. I took a few steps twards Lloyd to get a closer look of him.
"Lloyd!" I screamed with happiness. It was the boy from the park. They look so alike. How did I not notice that before?!
"Er, do I know you?" he asked confused. I put on a dissapointed look.
"It's me. The girl you met at the park when we were little. The one that got dragged away by her father after a couple of minutes," I said with hope that he will remember at least something. Lloyd shook his head.
"I'm sorry. I have no idea who you are," he said but also looked a little dissapointed. I bowed my head in sadness. I hoped that he would at least remember something!
"Anyway, did Kai make you fly back with him?" asked Nya. I nodded. Nya sighed.
"You two can sleep in my room if you want and also it's good to have you back Sky," she said going back to her own room. Skylor nodded and smiled.  I turned back to Lloyd.
"So, I was just wondering," I started
"Would you like to go to the candy shop with me tomorrow?" And before Lloyd could say anything Kai whistled.
"Would you look at that! She's barely known him five minutes and she's already asking him out!" he teased. I turned around in anger.
"Shut up Kai," said Lloyd.
"Don't worry er.."
"Kaitlyn," I said still looking angry at Kai.
"Don't worry Kaitlyn, he's always like that. And also, yes I would love to go," he said licking his lips. I immediately turned back round to Lloyd and calmed down.
"That's great! Thanks!" I said running around. Lloyd blinked.
"You're welcome and are you always crazy like that?" he laughed.
"Sometimes," I smirked.
"Hey wanna have a candy eating contest and see who eats more candy?" I asked excited.
"Oh no no no. I don't want you two getting sugar high," said Skylor but me and Lloyd ignored it.
"Of course!" called Lloyd.
"If Lloyd loses then he has to kiss Kaitlyn and if Kaitlyn loses then she has to kiss Lloyd," said Kai smirking.
"Sure- wait, what?!" I shouted.
"Kai have you gone mad?!" shouted Lloyd.
"Nope, you have to do it or I will make you," said Kai.
"With my help," said Skylor joining in.
Kai looked relieved that he had someone on his side.
"Since when are you like this?" asked Kai smiling.
"Since I started shipping Kaitlyn and Lloyd," Skylor smirked.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I shouted.
"What the heck has gotten into you two? Fine, I'll do it if you two will,"
Lloyd blushed but shook his head.
"That was a bad idea Kaitlyn... They kinda are together so for them giving each other a kiss isn't a problem," said Lloyd. I panicked.
"I take back what I said!" I immediately shouted.
"We are?" asked Skylor and felt a warm kiss against her cheek. She immediately blushed. My jaw dropped.
"You can't take back what you said," said Kai also blushing.
"Y-yeah, you c-can! I will n-never in a million y-years kiss Lloyd!" I called running off to Nya's room in embarrasment.

Skylor's P.O.V

"Niether will I! We're just friends plus we only just met!" shouted Lloyd and walked off to his room.
"I still ship them," me and Kai said at the same time smiling. Then I looked back at Kai and he looked at me.
"So er, goodnight," I said.
"Goodnight Sky," said Kai and he looked down at his feet. And at that moment I kissed him on the cheek.
"Payback," I said smirking before walking off to Nya and Kaitlyn.
Kai blushed, touched the spot on his cheek where I kissed him and walked off to his own room.
"So are we now together?" I wondered to myself smiling and falling asleep.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

Me kissing Lloyd?  Puhlease. What kind of an idea is that?! Well at least that idiot will pay anyway.
I smiled evily in the darkness.
In a month, all of them will pay and I shall have the golden power and rule the whole ninjago!!!
                     to be continued...

(Hey everyone! I'm sorry I didnt update in so long but sadly i wont be updating so much now due to school and stuff. I really hope you guys are enjoying the story and cant wait for more! XD see ya all in the next chapter. Love ya all, bye!) ~ the author

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