Chapter 18: Hurt

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I pull away from Lloyd after a bit and look away. I took a step too far. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm stuck. Lloyd or power? Death or power? I don't know but I'm seriously stuck. I'm not sure if I want to betray the ninja's anymore but something seriously bad could happen if I don't. Tears slowly fill up in my emerald green eyes but I try to swallow them back.

"Kaitlyn, are you okay? What's wrong..?" Asks Lloyd and puts a hand on my shoulder. I shake it off.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," I say and run out the room. Lloyd shouts my name but I ignore him, run to my room and lock the door behind me. I kick the wardrobe open, put Skylor on her bed and try to shake her awake.

"Skylor open your eyes!" I scream, "I don't mean what I wrote or said, I really don't. Just wake up!" And at that moment an unbearable pain hit my head and a voice started speaking. What the heck!?
I scream. The pain is too much, I feel like someone is cutting my head in half.

"You traitor!" The voice says, "You do what I told you to do tomorrow or there will be some serious consequences!" It was Uncle Chen.

"I CAN'T!" I scream to him, "I CAN'T HURT THEM!"

"YOU STUPID COW, I SAID YOU DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD OR I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" those were his last words and the pain suddenly stopped. Just like that. I was still breathing heavily though. Like I've just ran a marathon. And that's when the door crashed open.

Nya's P.O.V.

"What's happening?!" I ask. Me, Lloyd and Kai heard Kaitlyn screaming from a mile away. Everyone else was out. The door was locked shut so I couldn't open it but Kai broke it down. I looked down at Kaitlyn: Her ponytail a complete mess and her face red and tired. Her eyes watery. She was sitting down on the ground next to Skylor's bed breathing heavily. Skylor was on her bed. Lifeless.

"What the hell!?" Shouted Kai when he noticed Skylor. He ran up to her and started shaking her, trying to wake her up. But it was not working.

"S-she's not gonna wake up till t-tomorrow evening," says Kaitlyn in a shaky voice.

"What did you do to her!?" Screams Kai. Kaitlyn covers her face in her hands.

"Stop shouting at her! Look at the poor thing! Let her explain herself!" I say to Kai. He glares at me but doesn't argue.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I told them lies. A bunch of lies. But only cause I had no choice otherwise I would've told them everything. Litteraly everything.

"This morning, Skylor went mad," I say, "Like, litteraly mad, I don't know what was wrong with her and all of a sudden she attacked me so I had no other choice but to use a sleeping potion on her."
Everyone was silent. They just stared at me in disbelief.

"But why...?" Asked Lloyd, breaking the silence.

"I don't know, but I know a person we could take her to to make her wake up earlier," I lie. Swallowing back tears and the urge to tell the truth.

"Well then let's go now!" Said Kai getting up.

"They uh, don't work at this time!" I say quickly, "We'll have to take her tomorrow,".

The 3 ninja exchange looks.

"Alright then, we'll wait till tomorrow," says Lloyd calmly. But there was one thing I was glad about: the ninja were too worried about Skylor too even ask about me.
Nya leaves to make dinner whilst Kai stays with Skylor, stroking her hair out her face and occasionally giving her little kisses on the forehead.
Lloyd starts coming over to me, his face full of worry but I get up and leave the room before he can reach me. I know I'm hurting him. I'm hurting myself too but I'll get killed if I don't distance myself.

I rush into the bathroom, lock the door and let my tears flow. Big, fat tears almost like waterfalls running from my eyes. Why me? Why did I agree to do this in the first place? I didn't know I would become such good friends with the ninjas probably. They were like monsters to me a month ago and now they're like family. I can't hurt my family...


I wish there was someone I could talk to about this... but I can't. I'm a prisoner in a free world. There's nothing I can do but listen to orders. I run a hand through my messy hair. I'll have to pull off my best acting skills tomorrow. But I still don't know if I can do this.
I suddenly hear a knock on the door and Cole's voice.

"Kaitlyn? Lloyd told me to tell you that dinner 's ready. Nya's cooking today,"

"Alright, I'm coming!" I say in a normal voice as if nothing is wrong and never was. I take deep breath to stop myself from crying any more, redo my ponytail, wash my face and put a fake smile on my lips. Nothing is wrong. Nothing at all.
I go out of the bathroom and to the dining room where all the ninja were already eating what Nya prepared. I sat in my usual space between Nya and Lloyd and started eating too. I didn't eat much though. I didn't feel like it although it was truly delicious so I just got up and went to my room.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Nya asking Lloyd behind me as I was walking out.

"I don't know but she's blanking me and I'm not gonna lie: I'm worried," Lloyd replied.

"So am I," I heard Kai joining the conversation.

I'm sitting in my room when I hear 3 knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I call. Lloyd comes in. I look away and I roll my eyes. He just can't leave me alone, can he? He sits down on the bed next to me.

"I'm not leaving untill you tell me what the heck is up with you," he starts.

"Well then it looks like you're never gonna leave," I hiss.

"Hmm, do you need another hug again?" He teases.

"Don't you even dare touch me,".
Lloyd stares at me wide eyed.

"Okay, calm down," he whispers and I could tell I hurt him. Again. He moves away from me slightly and that hurts me. We just sit there in silence for a couple of minutes before I decide to break the silence.

"I got in touch with the person who can help Skylor. He said he will be available at 6 pm tomorrow," I say in a normal voice this time.

"And the estimated time  for Skylor to wake up without any help is...?"


"Well it will save us 3 hours then," he finishes, "Look,  why are you avoiding me?"
I can't lie to him any longer.

"You'll find out tomorrow," I sigh, "and please don't argue cause I won't tell you any more,"

"Alright..." he says.

"Look, can you please leave?"
Lloyd looks at me a bit shocked and sighs.

"Sure. If it makes you feel better," and after those words, he gets up and leaves without another word.



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