Chapter 17: weakness

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Place: woods

Time: evening

People involved: everyone (in a way)

Plan:... "

The list went on and on, with all the details I needed on it. It took me ages to write and I hope plan A works cause there is no plan B... anyway, tomorrow is the day I'm turning words on a scrunched up piece of paper into reality. And there's no stopping  me. Chen sent me a sleeping potion too and said that it might come in handy. A dark purple coloured potion... looks more like a death potion rather than a sleeping one to be honest. It's also so small that I can fit it in my pocket, so I hid it there.

"Kaitlyn? Hey, watcha writing?" It's Skylor. I quickly hide the piece of paper behind my back.

"Nothing," I say casually.

"Show me, pleaseeee?"

"Since when are you so nosy?" I glare at her.

"Oh come on Kait, why are you in a bad mood?" She says and sits down next to me on the bed. I ignore her. I really want to distance myself from the ninja before I take their power with Chen. "Is it because of.. you know?"

"No," I say simply and look away.

"Then what's up?" Sky asks and put her arm around my shoulder. I shake it off. "Kaitlyn, look at me,"

"Nothings wrong okay!? Leave me alone," I say and leave the room. It only then strikes me that I left my piece of paper behind...

I leg it back into the room and find Skylor reading it; wide eyed.  

"NO!" I scream and snatch it off her.

"Kaitlyn.. wha.. what is that!?"

"It's none of your buisness!"

Skylor's P.O.V

I sit there, stunned by what I just read. Is Kaitlyn really evil? Or is this some kind of joke?

"Well it clearly is cause it has my name in it! Same with everyone else!" I shout. Kaitlyn looks at me, an evil smile forms on her face.

"So.. you know my plan and will try stop me? Well tough luck cause you're gonna fail!"  Kaitlyn says and charges at me. I roll off her bed and onto the floor and before I know it, she's pinning me down to it with one hand and holding a dark purple liquid in the other. I'm suddenly surprised by her strength because I litteraly have no way of getting up or kicking her off.

"Why are you doing this..?" I whisper. She just smiles.

"Go to sleep Skylor.." And suddenly, she pours a drop of the liquid onto my eyelids and everything...



Kaitlyn's P.O.V

Okay, the plan started a little earlier than I expected so I'll have to hide the body untill tomorrow...
I look around and spot my wardrobe. It's big enough to hide Sky in there. I think. I open the wardrobe and drag Skylor into it then close it and, somehow, lock it. Now I just gotta make up an excuse to why she isn't showing herself to everyone else... uh, I don't know, I'm gonna think about that later. Right now, I gotta get downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Morning Kait!" Calls Lloyd skipping over to me.

"Hey," I say like nothings wrong.

"Where's Skylor?" He asks looking around.

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