chapter 10: movie night!

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1 Week later...

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I guess everything is going well. Untill the moment I start thinking about the betrayal and that It's only 2 weeks away.

Why me?

Why did Chen choose me?

What have they done that's so bad that he wants to take their elemental powers away? I mean... true, if I were in his shoes -so powerful and everything- I would wanna have their powers all to myself aswell. Cause who wouldn't?
That's the point of being evil right? Ruling ninjago and having everything you ever wanted. I guess I just answered my own question.

But I'm still stuck in the middle.

I know what the good and bad consequences will be if I choose Chen's side, and I know the good and bad consequences if I choose the ninjas side.

This world changed me too much... it changed me into a goody girl again... how gross.
I need to start thinking evil again. Start thinking about the power and possibilities I will have once I reach my goal. Maybe I could even think of a way to get rid of Chen and have the power all to myself... well he is a ghost now cause of the cursed realm, and ghosts hate water.

But nah.

He is my uncle. He trained me and everything, I couldn't do that to him. Plus we still have a deal.

But on the other side...

The ninja are so nice! They really do care, especially Sky. They helped me learn spinjitsu. They helped me get through hard times.
I laughed with them.
I cried with them.
They are almost like a family to me.
All of them.
Even the ones that I bearly ever talk to. They are still family.

My good feelings are taking over me.

I can't let them do that! I'm evil, I was born to be evil! I'm the niece of the famous Master Chen!
How could Skylor not see that she's sposed to be evil aswell? Ugh, who the heck does she think she is?

And why the heck am I saying bad stuff about her?

Cause I want to.

No I don't.

Yeah I do.

No I don't.

I'm sick of this. It hurts my brain nearly everyday. Why can't I be just a normal girl? Life would be so much easier.

I don't know what to do, I need help. The worst thing is that I can't ask anyone for that help!!!

There is a good side and a bad side. I'm stuck in the middle. It's not fair. Life is horrible!

Right, I need to stop thinking about this now.
I can't let my emotions control me.


I was laying on Nya's bed whilst thinking all of this. My head bursting with pain. My face burried on my hands.

I keep on having headache's in the day and nightmares in the night.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," I mumbled. Skylor came into the room, not shutting the door behind her.
"Hey, you spend most of your time in here and bearly ever come out. Is there something on your mind that's worrying you?" She asked looking concerened.
"No," I lied "I've got a headache again, that's all,"
"Again?" Asked Skylor. She sighed and gave me a small, white tablet.
"What's this?" I asked. Sky grabbed an empty glass off the small table next to the bed and used her powers to fill it with clean, drinkable water.
"Medicine. Should help your head to stop hurting. Unless it's some sort of dark magic that is making your head hurt and I'm afraid I can't help you if it's that," she explained. I looked at the tablet before putting it in my mouth and swallowing it. It tasted disgusting and left a funny taste on my tounge so I decided to drink the water aswell.
"Thanks Sky," I said with a weak smile.
"No probs," she answered and smiled back. "Come out of this boring room and join me and the others for dinner that Zane made,". Sky grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room and out of my thoughts. She dragged me all the way to the living room where a big table was set out with chairs around it and the ninjas already sitting down. Looks like we're gonna have dinner here today.

Skylor sat on a seat next to Kai which left me to sit on a chair in between Nya and Lloyd. I slowly walked up to that seat and sat down, not being able to concentrate on anything else than my terrible headache.
"Hey, you alright?" Asked Nya and Lloyd at the same time whilst looking at me.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. My head kills that's all," I mumbled.
"Again?" Sighed Nya.
"It keeps on hurting every single day," I said just staring at the food in front of me.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" Asked Lloyd.
"I don't feel like it," I answered.
"You gotta eat something! " called Lloyd and Nya at the same time again.
"Yeah well maybe not right now," I said closing my eyes tightly. The tablets weren't working whatsoever. Lloyd and Nya both looked worried. They looked at each other not knowing what to do.
"Maybe you should get some more rest?" Suggested Nya.
"Pfft, seriously? I was in your room, lying on your bed almost all day today," I said.
"True," she agreed.
"I think you should sleep inside today," suggested Lloyd.
"What!? But..." I started.
"it's way warmer inside, plus it's more comfy on a matress than a sleeping bag anyway," Lloyd Interrupted.
"But I'm warm and comfy when I cuddle up close to you every night," I said so quietly that I don't think he heard that. I was glad he didn't. He didn't know that I have been cuddling close to him everynight when I was cold because I moved away every morning before he woken up so I don't make a fool out of myself and make him think that I'm a baby.
"What did you say Kaitlyn? " asked Lloyd obviously not hearing me.
"Oh nothing, " I answered.
"So yeah, as I was saying, I think you should sleep inside today. Maybe you will have a better nights sleep if you are in a more comfortable place than the outside, " he continued.
"But-" I started.
"Lloyd is right Kaitlyn," Nya interrupted. I sighed.
"Fine," I said, giving in.
"I'll sleep inside today,".

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, me and Skylor slept on our own matresses in the guest room now. I was glad cause we didn't have to be all squished inside Nya's room anymore.

"Good girl," teased Nya, patting my head and laughing.
"Don't pat my head, I'm not a dog," I said seriously whilst shooing her hand away like a fly.
Then I felt another pat on the head but this time by Lloyd. He started laughing when I turned around to look at him.
"Stop, it's not funny!" I called nearly laughing aswell though.
"If it's not funny then why are you laughing aswell?" Asked Nya.
"I'm not laughing, " I answered giving her a playful punch in the arm and  looking away to stop myself from laughing or even smiling.

I didn't even notice that my head stopped hurting.
I hope it stays that way. But I still didn't feel like eating.

When everyone finished, they stood up, thanked Zane and walked off. Me, Nya and Lloyd were the last people chatting and laughing at the table. It was fun. Then we suddenly heard Jay call:
"Movie time!"

"Movie time?" I asked confused.
Lloyd shrugged.
"Looks like Jay decided that everyone is gonna watch a movie tonight, " he said. Nya's face brightened.
"Well we don't have anything more interesting to do anyway," she added and ran over to Jay to help him pick a movie.
"Quick! Lets go or everyone will take the seats on the sofa!" Called Lloyd. He dragged me to the sofa and sat down. I sat down next to him. Then, Kai, Skylor and everyone else came running into the room. There were two spare seats on the sofa next to me. Sky grabbed Kai's hand and used her powers of speed to get to the sofa with him first.
"Hey! No fair!" Called Cole and sat down on one of the three bean bags on the floor. Kai and Sky both stuck out their tounges playfully at Cole. He stuck out his tounge back at them both and turned around.
"So, what are we watching?" Asked Zane sitting down on another bean bag.
"(Insert some comedy name here)" answered Jay and Zane nodded. Then Nya gasped.
"I'll be right back! " she called and ran into the kitchen.
A couple of minutes later, she came back with two big bowls of something small and white. She gave one to Sky so me, Sky, Kai and Lloyd could share  and kept the other one for her, Jay , Zane and Cole.
"What is this?" I asked inspecting the small, white stuff.
"It's called popcorn," answered Kai.
"This is salted popcorn to be exact," added Nya sitting down on the third bean bag. Jay sat down next to her and they both somehow fit on the same bean bag when it was clearly made for one person. I shrugged and ate one piece of that 'popcorn'.
It was actually pretty nice.
"Prepare to laugh! This one's funny!" Chuckled Jay and started eating the popcorn whilst the movie turned on.

Jay was quite right. The movie was funny although Cole fell asleep half way through it. It was 10 pm when it finished. That's when everyone else fell asleep...
Including me...
                 To be continued...

(Heyyy! I'm so sorry if this was kinda boring... again... I had no inspiration about what to write about... but I do know what I'm gonna write about next! Remember when Kai asked Sky out? *smirks* yup xDDD *fangirls* so anyway... see ya all in the next chapter! ♥ ) ~ the author

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