chapter 7: the dream

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

It's just a little cut... it doesn't hurt or anything, I-I promise... it's not even bleeding that bad, its not that deep... is it?

I sat in Nya's room with the door locked so noone could come in. I was still embarrassed and upset about the situation.
I put my hand in my pocket and felt a piece of something hard and smooth but sharp.
I took it out and looked at it for a second. It was glass.


I rolled up my sleeve and saw lots of deep cuts and scars. I just stared at them.

Grabbed my piece of glass and... I put it through my arm...

Blood flowed down my arm and onto the floor. I didn't do anything but stare at it.
"I deserve it," I said to myself and then I heard a knock on the door. "Go away whoever you are!" I shouted.
Then the person turned into ash and went through my door. It was Skylor.
I immediately put my injured arm behind my back and stepped on the blood so she wouldn't see what I have done.
I'm not gonna lie, it hurt. I put my other hand on the part that was bleeding to stop the blood from driping on the floor and Sky suspecting anything.
"Hey, how ya feeling?" Asked Sky.
"Terrible," I mumbled.
Skylor sighed.
"Look, Lloyd told me to tell you that it's completely fine, nothing to worry about," she reasured. "Why are you lying to me?" I asked.

"I'm not!" said Skylor truthfully. I sighed and walked over to the window. That's when I noticed my mistake. Skylor saw the small puddle of blood on the floor. Her eyes widened in shock and horror.
"W-what is this?" she asked walking up to the blood slowly.
"N-nothing! it's j-just er..." I stuttered. Oh heck, what have I gotten myself into!?
"Kaitlyn is this blood!?" shrieked Sky. She looked at me then down at the floor.
"Sky look, its nothing okay? I-I just spilled some strawberry juice down onto the floor and it left a mark," I lied putting my hand infront of me to calm Skylor down, forgetting it was also covered in blood after holding the wound.
"KAITLYN WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU DONE!?" shouted Skylor whilst looking at me in terror. I didn't know what to say.
"Give me the key to the room now," continued Sky. I shook my head.
"You're so unbeliveable Kaitlyn!" said Sky as she walked up to me, put her hand in one of my pockets and felt for the key. She was lucky cause she found it. I started feeling dizzy. I felt like I was loosing quite a lot of blood. I don't think I ever cut my arm so deep before. I put my hand to my head.
"Kaitlyn... are you feeling okay?" asked Skylor slightly concerened.
"I-I'm fine," I said giving a small smile.
"I'll be right back," said Sky and she ran out of the room . Probably to go get the others. I put my injured arm out infront of me. Yup, just as I thought. Ohhhh... why did I have to be so stupid!? I grabbed the piece of glass that was stuck in my arm, pulled it out with a little wince of pain and dropped it on the floor. Then I saw Skylor, Lloyd and Zane rush into Nya's room. My head hurt. Really bad... Gosh I feel so dizzy... Someone help me...

Those were my last thoughts before I dropped to the ground.

Skylor's POV

N-no... What the heck just happened!

"KAITLYN!" screamed Lloyd and ran up to her. I did too, and Zane. We all looked at the place where the blood was coming from. It was her arm. She had one of the deepest cuts I ever saw. Followed by a bit smaller, but still deep, cuts aswell. What has gone into this girl!?

"Oh my gosh," I gasped. Zane just stared.
"Zane, don't just stare! Do something! " I shouted terrified. "She will need stitches, " said Zane and ran out of the room. 10 seconds later, Zane came back with a special needle and thread.

Lloyd looked dead worried. I was aswell. He sat down beside her and stared at her whilst Zane stitched her arm. To be honest, Zane is quite a good doctor.
"Hey," I whispered to Lloyd. He looked up.
"She'll be okay," I continued with a smile. Lloyd smiled back faintly but only for a second.
"If I tried to stop her from going to this room and tell her that it's okay straight away, none of this would have happened, " he said looking back down at Kaitlyn.
"it's not your fault," I said also looking at her.

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