Chapter 21: Skylor's Story

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(A/N just f.y.i. this chapter has quite a lot of Kailor xD enjoy! ♡ )

Skylor's P.O.V

I walk out onto the deck where everyone else is already talking to each other. I walk up to Kai who is standing alone in deep thought. He's wearing jeans and a simple red top.

"Hey.." I say quietly.

"Oh Skylor! Hi, how's Kaitlyn doing?" He asks, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Well um... She's in comma..." I say looking down onto the wooden floor.

"She's what!?" Says Kai in sync with Nya who was just coming over to us with Jay.

"That's crazy! For how long?" Asks Jay.

"Noone knows, it could be forever," I say, my voice breaking. I was trying so hard not to let my tears out, "she could be dead!" I cry and Kai immediately pulls me into a strong hug.

"Oh Sky... you never know, she might wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine.." says Nya, trying to cheer me up but by the tone of her voice I could tell she wasn't so sure about that. I took a deep breath.

"I guess you could be right," I say shakily. I have to stay strong.

"Hey, is that my hoodie?" Asks Kai, letting me go. He was trying to change the subject and take my mind off things.
He smirks and I smile lightly.

"Heh, yup, Nya gave it to me," I say.

"Awh, you look cute!" He says.

"Why, thank you," I reply and blush lightly.

"No problem Princess, "
He kisses my forehead. I love it when he calls me that.

"Ehem, we're still here you know," says Nya but she has a smile on her face.

"Get a room," adds Jay laughing.

"Oh, shut up you guys," Kai says and blushes.
And then Lloyd walks in. His eyes are puffy and he looks really tired.

He comes over to me, " I couldn't just sit there and watch her. It just makes it even more painful than it already is. She looks lifeless,".

I sigh and put an arm around him, "Look Lloyd, don't be so negative, like Kai said to me earlier: Zane knows what he's doing, he'll work miracles on Kaitlyn. She might even wake up tomorrow,".

"I guess you're right, I trust Zane. And my mom," he says.

"That's the spirit," Nya smiles.

Lloyd yawns, "Now, I'm sorry guys but I'm tired and need sleep so I'm gonna go.."

"It's fine, I think a bit of rest will do us all good," says Nya and we all nod in agreement.

"But wait, I don't have anywhere to sleep, mine and Kaitlyn's room is filled with hospital equipment and stuff, there's no space..." I say quickly and Kai puts an arm around my shoulder. 

"It's fine, you can cuddle up with me," he says. (A/N ah yes, a cuteness overload Kailor moment xD)

"Alright then," I say with a small blush. Jay whispers something to Nya and they both laugh. Me and Kai roll our eyes.

"G'night everyone," says Lloyd suddenly and walks off to his room.

"Night guys, " says Nya afterwards and we all (apart from me and Kai) went our seperate directions.

Small time skip...

"I was just thinking... what are we gonna do with Chen? We can't just sit here and wait untill he destroys the whole Ninjago City and turns it into his kingdom, " says Kai when I was just about to fall asleep. I'm cuddled up in his arms with my head against his chest. He's holding me quite tight as if he's scared that something or someone might take me away from him but I can still breathe so it's fine.

"I don't know," I whisper, "but for a couple of days I think Sensei wants us to rest so we get our strength back,"

"It will be harder to fight without our elemental powers.." he adds. And that's when I remember that my father took our powers for himself.

"Yeah.. I know, but... we still know how to fight and defend ourselves. If we work as a team then we have good chances of defeating Chen,"

"You have a point,"  Kai nods and then sighs, "I know this may seem as a bit of a personal question but do you ever wish that Chen was just like a normal father? Or that your mom was back?"

Now it's my turn to sigh, "Chen wasn't always evil like that you know..."

"Then what happened?"
I hesitated. I don't usually open up to people like that. But.. Kai is my boyfriend. Not just that, he's also my bestfriend that supports and loves me.  I can trust him.. right?

"When I was a little girl, Chen, my mom and I all lived in Ninjago City like a normal family... I went to school and my parents ran a noodle restaurant. Everyone knew of course that my mom was an elemental master and that I take powers after her but that didn't really change anything apart from the fact that my dad was a bit jealous.
" Clouse was a family's friend at the time. And of course we all knew he could do dark magic but we didn't really take any notice of that. Then one time, my mom just... dissapeared..."
I pause, "I don't know what actually happened cause Chen never told me even though I kept on asking almost everyday. Eventually I gave up. But after my mom's 'disspearance' my dad felt so lost and depressed  that he decided to leave and take me and Clouse with him.
"So we did what he wanted. Clouse was a loner anyway so it wasn't a problem for him to leave. It was chaos actually moving though.
"Eventually, we found an Island with a massive temple. There was no signs of anyone living there so we moved in and and made it into our own home. Of course, Chen still wanted to run the family noodle buisness so with the help from Clouse, he built an underground factory.
"And that's when another problem popped up. My dad and Clouse couldn't run the whole factory by themselves and then ship the noodles and stuff back to Ninjago so that's when their cruelty started.
"They both went back to Ninjago and started kidnapping and forcing random people to work for them. They did it in such way that noone ever noticed the people were gone. Of course black magic helped them with that. And from then on things only got worse. Chen started training martial arts and once he mastered them, he started teaching me aswell. But he didn't use his skills in a good way... he mostly used them to hurt people that weren't obeying him.
"He also had some other students apart from me. Garmadon for example. He eventually started gaining power from all of that and just became even more and more evil. And because my father and Clouse grew evil, I grew evil with them..."

I stop talking. Silence. I didn't tell him one important thing though: from the dream me and Kaitlyn shared a couple of weeks ago, I worked out that Kaitlyn's mom (Auntie Jane) is related to my mom. How do I know? My dad's side of the family were a normal family. No secret powers or anything. Whilst my mom and her side were elemental masters. I take after my mom and Kaitlyn probably takes after her's. That's how we're cousins; auntie Jane and my mom are sisters.

I don't even know if Kai is still awake or not. But then he breaks the silence.

"Wow... that was... quite a sad story... I'm sorry all of that happened to you..." he says in a sad tone.

"It's fine. I'm over it now. I still have you, Kaitlyn and the others. I don't need anyone else," I say and hug him tight. Kai hugs me back and we eventually fall asleep....

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