chapter 4: the prank

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning and found myself in a bed in a green bedroom. I looked around confused wondering what the heck I was doing here when I noticed someone laying down near me. It was Lloyd. Freaking Lloyd. I immediately screamed and fell out of the bed with a loud bang.

Then Lloyd woke up at the sound of me screaming and looked around.
"What is it?! Morro came back? Or Nadakhan?!" he shouted. I didn't say a word. Kai and Skylor were going to pay in a very painful way.

Then Lloyd noticed me and stared at me confused.
"What exactly are you doing here?" he asked me.
"Kai and Skylor," I said angrily and Lloyd then knew what happened.
"They are going to pay!" I screamed running out of the door and into Kai's room where I saw Skylor and Kai sitting on Kai's bed, laughing.
"You bit**es think this is funny?!" I screamed at them clenching my fists.

To be honest, I wasn't really as mad as I looked. Although I havn't known Lloyd long, I kinda developed a small crush on him. But I really need to forget about that otherwise I won't be able to let Chen take Lloyds powers in the end. And I needed that power.

"What's up with all the shouting and screaming? I am trying to sleep, its still very early," said a boy in blue pyjama's coming in. Then he noticed me.
"And who's she?" he added, pointing at me.
"I'm Kaitlyn master of weather. Mr Hothead's girlfriends cousin," I said rolling my eyes
"And who the heck are you?"
"I'm Jay master of lightning," said the boy in blue, looking to tired to care that I'm new and that I'm Sky's cousin.
"Now let me go back to sleep, its like 5:30 in the morning," Jay added as he walked out of the room. When he went out I went back to angry mode again and started shooting lightning at Kai and Skylor. I wasn't trying my best though. ((A/N: lightning is part of the weather so I guess Kaitlyn can use it xD)) 

They both dodged it, ran up to me and held my arms to stop me from shooting.
"Geesh, calm down Kaitlyn. It was only a joke!" called Skylor holding onto my arm tight. At that moment Lloyd stormed into the room.
"Kaitlyn please stop. It's not that bad!" he said.
"And you two," he pointed at me and Kai.
"Let go of her and seriously stop it. It wasn't funny whatsoever,"

Skylor and Kai sighed and let go of me.
"You two are no fun," said Kai rolling his eyes.

I ran out of the room and jumped overboard of the bounty without thinking. I was lucky it was near the ground so I didn't hurt myself or anything.

I can't wait till my uncle gets here. I litteraly can not put up with them anymore! How am I spose to survive this hell for a whole month?!

Lloyd's P.O.V

I frowned and glared at Kai and Skylor.
"Great! Now look what you've done! You made her upset. I don't think thats how you're spose to treat a  friend,  right?" I said storming off after Kaitlyn, leaving Kai and Skylor behind.

The thing I can't understand is why I am so angry at them. Kaitlyn is just a friend. I don't even get that mad when Jay steals my candy for no reason.

Eh, I don't know anymore... Kaitlyn is cute, pretty, loves candy... Wait, what am I saying?

She's just a friend Lloyd... Just a friend... Or is she?

After a couple of minutes I found Kaitlyn sitting down beside a rock playing with her hair so I sat down beside her.
"Hey Kaitlyn, look, I'm really sorry about Kai and Skylor. They both can get really annoying just like Jay. But the next time something like that happens just don't explode with anger and remember that its fine. I'm not mad or anything," I explained. She just nodded. I could tell that she was upset by the look on her face. I didn't know what to do. Should I hug her? Or not? Maybe put an arm around her to comfort her? Then a brilliant idea struck my head.
"Hey I promised that i'll go to the candy shop today with you didn't I?" I said cheerfully. Then I saw Kaitlyn's face light up.
"C'mon, lets go," I added standing up and holding out my hand to her to help her get up. She gladly took it and I summoned my dragon.
"You've got one of those aswell?" she asked surprised.
"Of course. Everyone's got one. Except Skylor and Nya," I explained and helped her get up on the dragon.
"Hold on tight!" I said and she wrapped her arms around my waist. Then we took off and flew to ninjago city.
                       To be continued...

(So hi! I'm sorry this chapter was kinda lame but i really wanted to focus a bit more on Kayd (Kaitlyn x Lloyd) i just ship it so much!! XD hopefully the next chapter will turn out better ;) see ya guys, love ya all!) ~ the author

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