chapter 12: "Where is she?!"

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I saw Sky and Kai land on the deck so I ran out to see them. They've been gone for good 3 hours which obviously shows the date went well. I guess.

"Hey Sky, Kai!" I greeted.

"Hi Kaitlyn," Kai greeted back.

"So how did the date go?" I asked excitedly. Sky nodded and smiled.

"It went really well," she said which put a smile on my face too. But I really wanted to find out more.

"Tell me more!" I begged. Sky laughed.

"Maybe tomorrow, it's getting late," she and Kai said in sync. I sighed.

"Alright," I said lowering my head.

"I'll see you in the morning Sky," said Kai giving her a small wink and kiss on the cheek before he walked off to his room.

"Bye," said Skylor with a small wave as she took off her heels. "Geesh, my feet are killing,".

"The heels aren't that high," I said.

"Still, I'm not used to those kind of shoes," she argued and she walked off to the guest room. I followed. Sky went to the bathroom which left me alone with my thoughts in the bedroom.

Suddenly, I heard voices inside my head. They were telling me something but I couldn't understand. I shook my head fiercly. I felt like my head was going to explode any second.

"Get out my head!!" I screamed and Sky came back into the room dressed in her pyjamas with a surprised look on her face. Her make-up was washed off and her red hair was back in a ponytail.

"Are you alright?" she asked walking over to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I mumbled looking at the floor.

"Whatever you say!" called Sky and threw me a pair of new pyjamas. "Go get changed,"

I did as I was told.

Skylor's P.O.V.

Why was she screaming? Did she see something in the window? Or did she accidentaly fall asleep and have a nightmare? Nah, I doubt that. But whatever it was, I don't think it was good. Kaitlyn came back after a few minutes dressed in the pyjamas I gave her. Her face was quite pale for an unknown reason.

"Hey, are you sure you're feeling alright? you're kinda pale..." I asked with a worried look.

"Am I? Oh," she answered and sat on her mattress. "I'm feeling okay there's nothing wrong,"

Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I really was fine. The pain in my head was just unbearable. The voices kept coming back but they were clearer each time about what they were saying to me.

They were saying something about the woods... That I had to go there for some reason... I had a feeling it was the woods from that nightmare that I had when I was unconscious. I started calling them 'the suicide woods'. Mostly because of that nightmare. It really did give me shivers every time I thought about it.

"Hello? Earth to Kaitlyn!" said Skylor waving her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's best if we go sleep now,"

"Huh? Oh. Can I go out for a sec? Just onto the deck?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Why? you're not gonna go sleep there are you?" Skylor said raising an eyebrow.

"No! I just need some fresh air!" I said and rushed out of the room onto the deck before Skylor could say anything else. I actually didn't mean to go out that fast. It felt like my legs had a mind of their own and I couldn't stop them from doing what they wanted to do. They basically dragged me out there. Something was telling me to go to those woods... and so without hesitating, I did what they/ it told me to do.

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