@ the vortex @

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Swirling around and around, my mind was a blur. I was caught in something. A vortex of never ending feelings.

My plan was to try and move on. Instead, I made a new plan. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Love can render you helpless, gasping for air. Or it can leave you absolutely clueless, wondering which path you should travel next. Or it can even make perfect sense and work out like solving a riddle.

For me, it didn't seem like any of the three fit me.

In some love stories, a friend helps the guy or girl with their crush. Dana was that friend.

She was a huge help, and I never properly thanked her for it. And that's one thing that I know will accumulate guilt later on, sort of like mold on a favorite food.

I left it spoiled for too long...

"You need to get Whatsapp," she explained to me one day. "It will be the only way to talk to her while she's gone."

"But won't that be a bit obvious?" I asked, raising a virtually eyebrow.

I waited for her reply. When it came in, I knew what to do. "Suit yourself."

I found out about Whatsapp a long time ago, but I never got it because I never needed to. There's no time like the present.

I figured that I'd text her everyday and ask about her adventures in Central America, but once again, that would disobey my treasured "master plan."

If I acted like I wanted to talk to her every day, I would reveal too much. Girls are basically hounds, noticing any mistake or movement you make and tracking it. Then you're finished.

Even she must have a sneaking suspicion after my ridiculous summer antics.

I was missing her already. She just arrived in another part of the world, and it defiantly felt like we were light years away. I already wanted to go back to Tequesta to see her again.

Her beautiful smile, her laugh, her eyes, her hair, personality. I wanted her back.

I needed her back...

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