:a new chapter:

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Her name was Maya.  We finally talked that very day while we worked on writing a short story together.

"You're so cute!" she said, rubbing my cheeks. 

All I could do was laugh and beam.  I was blown away by how direct and upfront she was. 

"So what classes are you taking this year?" I rested one of my hands on my desk and the other on my pen, which was bleeding ink for me. 

"Well, I'm taking American History-" I interrupted her immediately.

"Wait, what grade are you in?" I asked, half of me laughing and half of me curious.

"I'm a junior."  She winked at me, and I have to admit that I was flattered. 

By my second week I had already attracted a junior. 

The next day all I could think about was creative writing and Maya.

Did she like me?  Or was she just more of a playful and friendly person?  

I didn't know then, but I got my answer that afternoon. 

She came over to me again, even though we weren't working together.  We ended up talking about a bunch of different things, and somehow that conversation was tagged in some way to the upcoming school dance.

"Oh my god, we have to go to homecoming!" she exclaimed, looking right at me.

Once I realized she was taking to me, I spoke.  "Of course, you're on." 

Her blue-gray eyes matched my blue-ish green-ish eyes well.  We were a match. 

She hugged me multiple times, and kept clinging to me wherever I went and whatever I did. 

I ran home that afternoon, overjoyed.  I just didn't know what my parents would say when they found out I was sort of dating a junior.  Sort of. 

My mom didn't care as long as I liked her and it didn't interfere with school too much. 

By the third day, she held my hand.  It was so warm, and all I wanted to do was never let go. 

So that's what it feels like...

I got her number so we could talk outside of school.  I really did like her.

I wasn't blind, but I couldn't believe it was actually happening.

By the fourth day, she asked me for a kiss at least on the cheek.

All these events were unfolding in front of me, and at times, I didn't know if I was ready or not.

I did really like her, so I pressed my lips softly against her cheek.

Her cheeks were the softest thing I had ever felt, like a newborn baby's skin.

I waved goodbye to her as she boarded her bus. I glanced around to see if any of my friends were there, but all I saw were unfamiliar faces.

I called her that night, and we talked for a couple hours.  It was the weekend, and I missed her dearly. 

It was meaningful and it was late at night; I loved it!

Eventually, her brother was annoying her too much, so we decided to cut the talk a little short. 

I turned off my phone, rubbed my eyes, and collapsed on my bed.  I was out for the night. 

I didn't even see I had a message from her...

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