Chapter 1

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Picture Of Everest^^
"Carmine!" I yelled "Give me my shirt!"
She walked into my room and looked at me.
"What shirt?"she acted clueless.
"The one that you're wearing."
She huffed and stomped back to her room.
That right there is basically my life.
I have 3 younger siblings, Carmine, Jaylen and Jacklen. Carmine is 15, Jaylen and Jacklen are twins. They look identical except Jaylen is a boy and Jacklen is a girl, they are 13. I'm almost 17.
Carmine walked back in the room and gave me my shirt. I thanked her and shut my door, getting my outfit for today. It's the last day of school. I put on a pair of gray, high waisted shorts with a pink shirt. I threw my hair in a ponytail and put on my black vans.
"Morning mom. Morning dad." I walked into the kitchen.
"Morning sweety" they said. I grabbed an apple and walked outside where my friend Darius was waiting. I hopped in the passenger seat of his car and we headed to school.
"So Evie." He said "what are we going to do this summer?" Evie was his nickname for me. Our parents are all good friends.
"Well Darie. I have to go with my father to a few different packs."
"Seriously dude?" He sighed. "You're leaving me?" I giggled and shook my head at him.

We got to school and I got out, looking around for Ciara. She's my cousin, but she's also my best friend. I ran over to her and jumped on her back. She squealed and started laughing. I giggled and jumped down.
"What are we doing this summer?" She asked.
"She's ditching us. Her dad is taking her to different packs. Looking for her mate and preparing her for the Alpha title." Darius came up behind me. Ciara blushed and looked down. I think they're mates, but Ciara isn't sure. She'll be 16 next month.
The bell rang and I walked inside, heading to first period.

By 6th period I was tired and ready to go home. When the bell rang I walked out of class and saw three girls from the neighboring pack. There was a girl from my pack up against the lockers crying.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked, walking over.
"Oh look who it is. Little miss alpha." An annoying voice said. Courtney Gatewood. She's the betas daughter. I growled and walked up to her.
"Get off of her." I snarled in her face.
"Or what?" She said in a challenging tone. I grabbed her arm and threw her off of the girl. The girl looked at me and bowed her head, running off. I felt my hair being grabbed and I reached back, grabbing her arm. I twisted around and punched her in the face. She shrieked and jumped for me. I moved out of the way and instead jumped on her. I punched her in the face until I felt someone pull me off. I growled and tried turning.
"Hush Evie." I heard Darius whisper. I calmed my wolf down and went still.
"Next time you'll learn your place." I growled at Courtney. Darius let me go and I turned, pushing through the crowd that had gathered. I went into the woods and shifted. My wolf was a blondish-red color. My eyes were bright gold. I shook out my fur and picked my bookbag up in my mouth, running home.

As soon as I reached the front door I could smell Courtney's parents. I rolled my eyes and shifted, walking into the house.
"Everest!" My father yelled.
"Yes dad?"
"Come here."
I walked into the living room and saw Courtney sitting with her parents. My parents were sitting across from them.
"Care to explain?" My dad asked.
"She had her hands on one of my pack members. Maybe she'll think twice next time." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Why does this freak always get away with these things?" Courtney growled in frustration. My mother stood up and growled.
"Get out. Now." She snarled. "You won't sit in my home, on my territory and disrespect my daughter."
Courtney and her family got up and left quickly. My mother smiled at me and I went upstairs as her and my dad started talking.

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