6: Frenemies

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"He's such a bitch. How can you stand him?" Kunika, Kashi, Taehyung and Jin were hanging out in one of the dance studios.

"He normally isn't like this. Those girls have completely changed him. He was so innocent. Our little Kookie." Tae said, missing his old brother.

"Those girls.. They must be telling him we shouldn't be his friends or something.." Jin said while thinking.

I didn't care that he didn't like me. I was going to bring him back if that was all I could do. 

The bell rang for the next session. I had dance class today. Thank god. I'd had enough of English and Maths for a week.

Kashi wasn't in my class because she was doing extra-curricular singing. So I knew I'd have to make more friends in this class.


Practise went great. I bumped into a guy at the start and he was so cool about it. His name is Junho. I made a friend the first practise. I'm either very good at socialising or I just have a lot of luck.

After practise, me and Junho decided to go to the canteen together. We sat down on a table a bit far from the guys, but I didn't mind. It would be good for me to not see Jungkook's face for a bit.

Clearly my luck ran out, because as soon as I thought god would give me a pass from Jungkook, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around. There he is. The shit of my nightmares. I flicked his hand off and turned back round. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the guys' table instead. Junho turned to see me gone. I yelled his name when he finally saw me and started running towards us.

"Hey dude! I think you're hurting her! Let her go!" he said, shouting after us. 

"Did you hear what he said? Let me go!" I screamed in his ear. I actually couldn't help it. I could only let him drag me here. He didn't even reply.

We got to the table, Junho eventually reaching the table as well. Jungkook pushed me onto the table. They all suddenly looked at me. Tae was eyeing me quite worriedly.

"You actually did it, huh?" Tae said, coming to sit next to me and soothing my now red arm.

"What?" me and Junho said in chorus. No sparks. Thank god. He's just a friend.

"We wanted to see if he was man enough to go get you. After his shitty behaviour yesterday." Tae said.

"So you let him numb my arm?!" I said furiously.

"Sorry about that. I didn't know he would hold your arm that tightly." Tae was rubbing my arm but it really wasn't working. I tugged it out of his hands. He pouted.

"And why exactly did you drag me here?" I said, still mad.

"Yeah! We were having a peaceful lunch. One second, I need to grab my stuff from the other table." Junho said, and he went off.

"We need you two to be friends. We can't have an enemy in our group." Jin said.

"I'm not in your group." I said.

"We know, but you are our best friend. An enemy of our best friend's is an enemy of us all. And that won't really work out for lil' Kookie here." Jin said, ruffling Kookie's hair. Why am I calling him Kookie?

"Well then, 'Kookie' better not get his hopes up." I said, and I got up just to be pushed down by Jungkook again.

"Look. I'm not sorry for what I did. But they aren't going to let me live if I'm not friends with you. We don't have to hang out. Just don't hate me."

"Not hating you is easier said than done. And it's not like I care if you live." I got up again, but this time Jungkook pulled me back, and uncomfortably pulled me close. We were like six inches from each other.

"Just friends. Nothing else." he said, with a completely straight face. He was a bit cute though I have to say, looking into his face for three seconds.

I couldn't deny I didn't like having enemies anyway.

"Ugh, fine. But don't talk to me, don't text me, don't speak about me, and don't touch me." I said, as I removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Fine. But I'm not sure about the third one." he said, laughing.

I gave him a cold stare and walked out, with Junho, as he was just coming back to their table.

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