24: Gomawo

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I came to school today a bit nervously today. What would Jungkook do? Would he say hi to me? What am I thinking- of course he will. I didn't kill his brother. Ok. Be confident. You haven't done anything this time. It's all fine. I can't even walk in talking to Kashi. She's sick today and the girls- well I don't know where they are. We don't meet up at the tree on Thursdays and Fridays.

I walked slowly to my locker, trying to waste as much time as possible. I wanted class to start so I could see Taehyung and Jin. Tae moved to my class when we became good friends.

As I started to empty out my locker with the books I needed today, I thought I heard a whistle. At me is seems.

I turned around. Four guys. When I look properly, they look like the bullies from last week. They were bullying some first years. Me and Jin had insulted them in front of the whole school. That was fun. But now- it seems my good doing might have backfired.

"Jagiyah." one moaned. Disgusting. I ignored them. I got on with getting my books out my locker. I heard footsteps. 

Next thing I knew, I felt a forceful hand on my shoulder turning me around.

"You don't know who we are." one of them said, his face inches away from mine. He'd been drinking. His smell..

"Let go of me. I swear-"

"You can't do anything. Just have some fun for once." he said, with a crooked smile.

"Let me go!" I screamed. No one was around. When I need a saviour, neither my brother or my friends are here. This is what I get for getting a locker in an empty corridor.

Suddenly a hand pushed the guy off me.

Taehyung. Thank god.

"Jagiyah- what are you doing with him?" he said, putting an arm on either side of me, locking me between him and the lockers. Did he just call me- jagi? I hope he's acting.

"N-nothing." I mumbled.

"Good." he said, turning to face the guy.

"Who are you?" he said, dangerously.

"I'm her boyfriend. Got a problem?" Taehyung said casually. He's really good at acting.

"Jinja?" the man said, as he raised a fist.

Taehyung held it and stopped him. Then he punched him instead and laughed as he fell onto the ground. He beat them all up by himself. I was more than surprised. His fighting was better than his dancing. And that's saying something.

As soon as he turned to smile at me, I ran to him to hug him as tightly as I could.

"Gomawo." I said, a tear leaked out my eye.

"Hey hey- it's fine. Are you crying?" he said, pulling away to wipe my tear with his thumb. He smiled reassuringly as I hugged him again. I felt too exposed. He made me feel so safe.

"Can you stay with me the rest of the day?" I asked hopefully. I wanted to spend more time with him.

"Of course, pabo." he said, taking my hand.

I smiled at him gratefully as we exited school. Using the secret exit of course. 

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