Chapter 7

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"Work is such a drag." I groaned, laying down on my bed and pulling out my phone. Alisha wasn't home yet so I'm alone at the moment. I opened up Instagram and scrolled down my feed. I eyes popped when a picture caught my eye.

It was Jacob.

He was kissing some girl with pink hair and the caption read "Had a great night with her❤️"

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself. I laughed at the picture.

He's trying to make me jealous. Well, two can play at that game, Jacob. I decided to leave him a little comment. I wrote "haha nice to see you found a new girl, Jacob. But why that bitch look like Stephanie from LazyTown? 😂"

And send.

I smirked to myself, I could just imagine his reaction. I clicked on the girl who was tagged to see what she actually looked like. Apparently her name was Bahja or some shit. This hoe is so ratchet. This bitch out here lookin like a big ass piece of bubblegum.

I heard the front door open and close, which meant Alisha was home.

"Girl come in here and look at this!" I yell. She comes in looking tired as hell.

"What's up?" She asks, sitting next to me.

"So Jacob posts this picture." I said, showing her the picture. "And I looked at this bitch page and look at this! She looks like she suck dick!" I laughed.

"Damn, this bitch look like a big ass piece of cotton candy." She laughed.

"Like this nigga tryna make me jealous with this fruity hoe? Nigga try again." I laughed, showing her my comment under his post.

"Damnnn , sis, you're deadass petty." She laughed, high-fiving me.


"Roc, what the fuck! You said this would work!" I yell, throwing my phone down.

"Shit, I thought it would." He said. "She ain't even fazed."

I posted that picture of me and Bahja to get back at Brooke posting that picture of her and EJ. I thought it would work but she just dissed Bahja like it was nothing. Now I'm mad as fuck and she's laughing.

"Shit, now what?" I ask.

"Stop being so damn petty maybe. Like let her live her life." Prod says, coming into the room. This nigga always eavesdropping.

"Nobody was talking to you, Craig." I spat.

"And you're being a little bitch, Jacob." He mocked.

"Oh really? Okay." I chuckled.

"Just listen to yourself. How is this amusing to you? Trying to ruin someone else's life? Just leave her alone and move on." He says.

Was he right? Maybe I am being childish and maybe I should move on....

Nah, fuck that. He's chatting out his ass.

"Fuck outta here, nobody wanna hear your bitching." I said, with an attitude.

"Fine, whatever. But your wasting your time." He shrugged, exiting the room.

"What a bitch." I said, shaking my head.

"I don't know, bro. Maybe he's right." Roc said.

"His ass don't know shit. Don't listen to him." I scoffed. "All y'all niggas turning on me?"

"It's not that we're turning on you. We want you to realize what you're doing is wrong." Roc said. I stared at him blankly.

"So...I should just stop? Just leave her alone? Let her be happy?" I choked out.

"Yes. I know it's hard for you but I think it's the right thing to do." He said, patting my shoulder.

"I gotta go, get my mind cleared. I' to you soon." I mumbled. I got into my car and just sat there for a second.

Don't be a bitch, Jacob. Don't you dare start crying. Roc is right but there's no need to be a little bitch. Take it like a man.

I think I need to go for a drive and just forget about everything. I'm a mess right now.

(a/n) sorry for the short chapter 😔 I just started school today & I have writers block. I'll try my best to update during the school year. 💖

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