Chapter 15

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"Alright, I found a job." I smile.

"That's great, Jake." She smiles back. "What's the job?"

"At a restaurant, not to far from here."

"When you starting?" She asked.

"Soon actually."

"Now I won't get to see you as much." She pouted.

"So get a job to keep yourself busy." I smirk.

"I'm not tryna work." She huffs.

"Okay then, be bored all day." I joke. She rolls her eyes just as her phone rings.

"Oh, it's Alisha." She said, making a face.

"What's wrong? I thought that was your bestie." I said in a girly tone. She gave me the side eye and answered the call.

Of course, it was a FaceTime call.

"Brooke, what the fuck!" Alisha's high pitched voice yelled into the phone.

"What?" Brooke asks, innocently.

"So you just left without telling me?"

"It's not like that Alisha." She said.

"So what is it like?" Alisha yells in an annoyed tone.

"Stop yelling at me."

"Why am I even wasting my time!?"

"Okay, bye. The fuck." Brooke laughed, ending the call.

"Alright, I have to go to work." I say, standing up from the couch.

"Do you have to?" Brooke pouts.

"Yeah, I do. I'll see you later, okay?" I smile, giving her a kiss.

The place I work at it a small diner not to far from where we live. It's my first day, I don't know anyone here. I walk in to the back kitchen and everyone just stares at me.

"Uh, hi. This is my first day at this job sooo, anyone tryna help me out?" I asked. One dude stepped forward.

"What's up, man?" He said, shaking my hand. "I'm Jaay. Now what your gonna want to do is head down to the boss's office."

"Thank you." I smile.


"Ugggghhhh this is so fucking boring!" I yell out even though nobody could hear me. I grab a bunch of snacks and turn on 50 shades of Gray. I have nothing better to do.

This is gonna be one boring ass day, I can already see it.

(a/n) fuck ok I have writers block its pissing me tf off. Sorry this is such shit but it's the best I can do til I get better ideas. This literally is 400 words and it took me four days to write, that's how you know I fucking have writers block. I'm sorry guys I tried even tho this is shit. Enjoy anyways. Oh and also I'm from New York and the way I type may be weird to y'all so sorry. I'll be happy to answer questions about a slang term I use if you don't know what it means. Okay bye this AN is mad fucking long lmao

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