Chapter 4

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"So you're telling me, you guys are JUST friends?" Ray asks.

"Yes, for the hundredth time." I groaned.

"You tryna smash ain't you?" Roc asks.

"What? No!"

"Aw shit, Princeton tryna smash his ex." They sang.

"Can y'all shut up. I'm not tryna have sex with her." I said, getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"Is princess getting annoyed?" Ray mocked.

"Man, fuck y'all. I ain't come here to be fucking mocked and teased." I spat.

"We're just messing with you man. Stop being so sensitive." Roc chuckled.

"Y'all are assholes. Why can't I be friends with her without you thinking I want sex!?" I yelled angrily.

"Nah, Princeton don't wanna smash. She wanna smash him." Ray laughed.

"She wants the D." They both laughed.

"Fuck. You." I said to Ray.

"This nigga gettin' mad." Roc mumbles. I'm this fucking close to punching them both in the face.

"Fuck this." I said, leaving the room and going outside to my car. I remember when I used to drive Brooke in this car. We used to go to school together and back home.

Fuck, these memories are making it hard for me not to love her.

Her smile, the way she ran her fingers through my hair, her laugh, the way she stood on her tippy toes to kiss me. I could go on forever.

I slammed my fists on the steering wheel, repeatedly until my hands were sore.

Why would I even break up with her? I was so stupid to do that. I could never forget the pain on her face when I told her we should break up.  I could never forget the pain in my heart.

You know what, fuck feelings. Fuck it all. I don't care anymore. I'm never gonna get her back and it's my fault. But I gotta get over it. I need to stop being a little bitch and just move on.

I think I should cut all ties with her.


"I'm so happy y'all are friends!" Alisha squealed.

"I don't think it'll last." I said in a saddened tone. "You can't be friends with your ex."

"It will last! Stop saying things like that." She scolded.

"I'm 20 damn years old. I need to get my shit together and stop dwelling on the past. Fuck feelings, I need to worry about my job." I said.

"No, no, no! You guys need to get along! You can't hate each other forever." She pouted.

"Why do you care so much? It's my ex, you still have a boyfriend." I spat.

"I care because you're my best friend." She said.

"Don't worry about me. You already have the perfect life." I mocked.

"Perfect?" She scoffed.

"Yeah! You have a great relationship and I have nothing." I broke down after that.

"Come on, don't cry. You have me." She smiled.

"I know I have you. But I miss Jacob." I sobbed.

"Here we go again with this nigga. Brooke you don't need him." She said.

"I do need him. He's the only person who makes me happy." I said.

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