Chapter 16

805 34 6

6 months later


Woah, hey, it's been a while. Let me fill you in on what's been going on.

So Jacob has been working for a while and we're doing pretty good. We have money now. Nobody has harassed us or anything. I've been staying home, like a fucking house wife. It's boring as shit but I can't complain, Jacob is out at work all the time. We barley get any time together but it's whatever.

Sometimes I worry about things like;

What if he's cheating on me?

Am I boring him now?

I'm probably even more boring to him since I'm on my period. I can't do shit when I'm on my period. Plus I'm moody and hungry as fuck.

Jacob's home, finally.

"Hey baby." He smiles, kissing my forehead.

"Hi." I say.

"Are you okay?" He frowns.

"I'm...fine." I hesitate, playing with strands of my hair.

"No you're not. What's wrong?"

"I said I'm fine."

"Come on, talk to daddy." He smirks.

"Shut the fuck up with that dumb shit." I say as a small smile forms on my face.

"Ooooh, come on. What's the problem?"

"Okay, let me be forward with you. Jacob, are you cheating on me?" I ask, bluntly.

"What?! No! Of course not! What makes you think that?"

"I-I don't know. I just feel like we never spend time together and I'm boring to you." I say as my voice cracks. I felt tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Aww, don't cry. I'd never do that to you. I promise." He smiles.

"Sorry. I don't know what's the matter with me." I sigh, rubbing my eyes.

"You're a bit moody, you're on your period." He  smirks. I roll my eyes and look away. He grabs my chin, so I'm facing him, and gives me a kiss.

"I was just joking." He whispered, rubbing my arm.


Back at work, what a drag. I met some nice people at my job. A boy named Jaay and a girl named Madison. They were pretty helpful on my first days and we became friends even outside of work. (Keep this in mind)

That meltdown Brooke had was very random. I don't understand why she would ever think I would cheat on her. I know that I fucked up last time but I'm committed this time. I'm not gonna let her go now that I have her.

After work today, I'm going to hang out with Madison. Yeah, I'm allowed to have friends that are girls. At least I think I am. She's cool so I don't see why not.

"Jacob!" She smiles as I enter the kitchen.

"Hey Madison." I smile.


My shift for today is over and I'm going to Madison's. Her shift ends before mine.

"Jacob, you came." She grinned, letting me in her house.

"Of course." I chuckled. "'Nice place."

"Thanks. Have a seat." She says, batting her lashes at me. I ignored it.

"So..Jacob. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I do." I say.

"Oh, cool. What's her name?"

"Brooke." She nods.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm as single as can be." She smiles, kind of creepily.

"Alright then..." I trail off, struggling to continue a conversation.


It's been TWO fucking hours since Jacobs shift ended and his ass still isn't home. He never mentioned anything to me about what he was doing.

Two can play at that game.

I usually cook for him after his long, tiring day at work. But since his ass neglected to tell me what he was doing, I'm sure he'll be fine with a microwave meal.

Petty as fuck, I know.

Ooh, right on cue, Jacobs ass comes through the door.

"Jacob, where the fuck were you?" I ask.

"Well damn, hello to you too." He chuckles, throwing his keys down.

"I'm not fucking playing, where were you?" I ask again with more anger in my voice.

"Can you relax? I was at a friends house." He says with slight annoyance in his voice.

"Which friend? And why didn't you tell me?" I yell.

"I didn't think it was that serious. Her name is Madison, if you must know."

"Oh, so now you don't tell me when you hang out with random bitches? Who is she, Jacob?" I yell, knocking over a table in anger.

"She's just a friend!" He yells, walking off into the kitchen. "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!"

He walks back into the living room,
holding the box of the TV dinner in his hand.

"You're joking right?" He scoffs.

"What's the joke? That's your food." I say.

"That's it. I'm checking into a hotel." He says, throwing it on the floor.

"Go ahead." I shrug. "You'll be back by tomorrow."

"We'll see about that." He yells, shoving the coffee table on its side.

"Oh, yes. We will. Have a good night, asshole." I smile sarcastically as he exits the house.

I look at the aftermath.

The contents of the box spread across the floor. Everything from the coffee table on the floor. A broken vase and glass table, shattered.

"FUCK!" I yell, stepping on the glass in anger.

(a/n) this kinda sucks but 10 votes?

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