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Omniscient POV.

Naruto was throwing up every last chunk of his lunch in the toilet while Sasuke rushed in to soothe him.

"Baby, are you okay? Do you have a stomach virus or something?" Sasuke asks worriedly as he flushed the toilet.

"I don't think so. I never get sick, ya'know," Naruto says as he grabs his tooth brush.

"Maybe we should go check in with Tsunade."

"Yeah, alright."

They both got dressed to head off to the Hokage's office.


"What, Naruto !?" Tsunade said frustrated.

"I'm sick."

"Sick ? You've never been sick since I've been hokage. Quit pulling my leg," She laughed.

"No, seriously. There's something wrong with me, Granny."

Her face changed as she stood up to check the boy out and moved the papers off her desk. "Sit on my desk," she instructed.

He sat on the desk while Sasuke stood nervously in the corner. She checked the boy's stomach after him telling her he's been throwing up for weeks. "Wow.." Tsunade said amazed at what she seen.

"What is it ?" He got ignored by the 50-something year old lady.

"Baa-san!" He yelled.

"Whaaat ?" She grew irritated as she tried to solve the mystery.

"What is it ?"

"You're 6 weeks along, Naruto."

"What?!" Sasuke said flabbergasted.

"What are you talking about?" Naruto got worried as he seen his raven pacing back and forth across the room.

"You're pregnant!" She smiled.

"I'm.. I'm what ?!" Naruto fainted from being overwhelmed with the news.

Naruto soon woke up to see worried onyx eyes.

"What happened?" He said as he rubbed his head nervously. "I had this nightmare that I got pregnant and I fainted when Tsunade tol-" He looked around at the room. The hospital room that is.

He slammed his head back down on the pillow and complained, "I guess it wasn't a dream. How great."

Sasuke just stared at the pregnant blonde boy. "What happened while I was out anyway ?"

"Well, when you started to faint, Kurama's chakra surrounded you. Your stomach almost hit the floor when you fainted. I was freaking out until I felt his chakra. I looked over and you were floating in his chakra. After that, Tsunade checked on the baby, said it was healthy and will be very strong," the dark haired boy smiled.

'Baby? There's more than one, Naruto. You should tell him, Kit.'

'How is there more than one, Kurama?!'

'You possess me afterall.You're able to have 5 children at one time.'

How many am I having?!


'How is that possible?!'

'I believe it's from the chakra you get from your mother. She was extremely powerful. I was surprised she only had one child. '


"Naruto? NARUTO?" Sasuke called out.


"Are you okay? I was calling you for 10 minutes. Tsunade said we're able to leave. "

"Sorry, I was talking to Kurama."

"What did he say?"


'Kit, what did I tell you?'

"Okay, well let's go," Sasuke said after Naruto got out of the bed.

"Let's go get something to eat."


They arrived at Ichiraku's and ordered.

"Old man, let me get 8 bowls of miso ramen."

"Damn, Naruto," Sasuke chuckled.

"Coming right up!"

"Why did you order so much, Naruto? You're only eating for two, not 7!" Sasuke joked.


"What do you mean ?" his smile dropped.

"Yeeeah. Kurama said there's 6 coming," he faked laughed as he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Oh... Well, we'll just have to make more room," Sasuke said brightly. Naruto was happy Sasuke took it so well. He kissed his cheek as the ramen came out.

"Thanks, old man!"

One bowl was handed to Sasuke. The rest was Naruto's. He ate all of the ramen and was ready to go home and go to sleep.

As soon as they got home, Naruto ran to the bed and wrapped himself in the blanket and sheets. He sighed happily and smiled as he snuggled into the bed.


"Yes, Naruto?," Sasuke said as he lifted the cover to get in the bed with Naruto.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Not at all."

"Me either."

"I wonder what they're going to look like. Hopefully the take on my looks and your attitude."

"Yeah, wouldn't want another mean, stuck up, Uchiha," Naruto said as he caressed his boyfriend's cheek.

"I am not mean or stuck up."

"You were, and you still would be if you hadn't fell in love with me. "

"That might be true.. That might be true," Sasuke said as he pulled Naruto closer and rested his chin in the blonde spikes.

I will make the chapters longer, but since it's the first one and just introducing the story, I didn't want to make this chapter long. Feedback is greatly appreciated. 💞💞💞 Not sure if I'm going far with this book, so let me know if it's good or not.

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