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Akira POV.

Perhaps I should talk to Takeshi about my conclusions.

"Takeshi? Can I talk to you?"

"About what?"

"I think Otu-san is cheating on ChiChi."

"So you knew too, eh? Whatever you do, don't tell anyone else. Only you, Hiro, and I are aware. "

"Fair enough."

"Wait, Otu-san's CHEATING on ChiChi ?!" Akemi walked into Takeshi's room without an invitation.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" I asked.

"Maybe a little."

"Wow, Takeshi, we might as well tell Katsumi, and Yuji now."

"Fine. You tell Katsumi, and get him to tell Yuji since he's the only one who can calm Yuji down."

As I walked into Katsumi's room, he was on his bed in a ball.

"I know he's cheating. I heard you both talking about it."

I sighed and sat on the bed next to him.

"Not everything can go our way, you know?"


Tears poured from his face and he sat up to punch his pillow. Him, Akemi, Yuji, and Takeshi are very hotheaded. They have a temper like ChiChi, of course. Hiro and I are calm like Otu-san.

"Hey! Katsumi! Calm down! "

"Ughhhh! Why does everything have to happen right now!"

"What do you mean?"

"Yuji got into a fight with my bestfriend. Otu-san's cheating on ChiChi. I'm failing in school, and Akemi just told me a huge secret that I can't tell anyone. Everything is bothering me."

"Tell me the secret!"

"No! Get out!"

"I will, but you have to tell Yuji—"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, TAKESHI?" We heard Yuji yell through the house.

Katsumi and I looked at each other for a second and darted down the hallway.

"I'll punch him dead in his nose, I swear!" Yuji tried to push past Takeshi, but it wasn't going to happen. Takeshi wouldn't let it happen.

"Yuji, sit down," Katsumi spoke sternly.



Yuji sat in the bean bag chair he had on the floor of his room.

"That's so fucking dumb! Why would—"

"Stop cursing, Yuji. I told you about that," Katsumi's voice grew colder.


"Yuji! Breathe!"

"Come, Akira. Let Katsumi handle him," Takeshi led me out of the room into his.

"There's also something else that you ought to know. No one else can know. Underst—"

"Kids! Kids, come on! We're going to Itachi Oji-san's house!"

We all ran downstairs.


As soon as we got there, we all jumped out the car and ran to the front door, except Takeshi, Otu-san, & ChiChi. Akemi rung the doorbell, since she got there first.

The door swung open and we saw Itachi Oji-san and Deidara Oji-san. "Hey, little ones!" We practically tackled Deidara Oji-san.

"We aren't little, ya'know?" I said.

"Hey, kids," We had to get Itachi Oji-san too. Except, he fell over when we hugged him.

Takeshi stood in the doorway with a mean mug, the same as Otu-san's. Otu-san didn't have his usual look on his face, he looked really happy.

ChiChi smiled as he greeted Itachi Oji-san and Deidara Oji-san. His face dropped as he ran down the hall and to the bathroom. Otu-san ran after him and we walked to the bathroom confused.

ChiChi spit and flushed the toilet. He washed his hands with a disappointed look as he looked in the mirror. He turned towards us and smiled brightly.

He walked out the bathroom, and to the living room where Itachi was.

"Can I speak with you, Itachi?"

I heard my Oji-san move before they walked outside on to the porch.

"Uhh.. Itachi, me and your brother aren't on good terms as of right now."

One thing I am good at, is eavesdropping without anybody knowing I was. My brothers and sisters thought nothing of it, so they laughed in the living room with Deidara Oji-san. I always wander, so they never ask where I am. I walked to find Otu-san, he was sitting against the wall in the hallway. He looked pretty troubled, but I left him be to eavesdrop more.

"I just want to know who the affair is with. I feel like it's a female for some odd reason... and I think I'm pregnant again."

"Wooooah. What makes you think that?"

"My hands and feet are swollen, my hair is starting to grow faster, and I throw up every morning and when there's certain smells. Remember, in the beginning of my pregnancy, I would throw up every time I came here."

"Then, you probably are."

"Do you mind taking me to the doctor's because I really don't want Sasuke to know as of right now?"

"I just have to grab my keys."

I ran to where Otu-san was and sat next to him before the door opened.

"Otu-san, can we talk?"


As soon as we got home from Oji-san's, I ran to my room and jumped on my bed.

What a long day!

I have a new book out, it's a bunch of Naruto One shots, so check it out.

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