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Yuji POV.

"Leave me alone, Cho!" We were walking to the bus stop, and I wasn't in the mood to hear her annoying voice.

"But.. I like you," she began to pout.

"I don't like you back."

Cho is uncle Choji's and aunt Hinata's daughter. Out of our squad, there's only three girls, Cho, Hiro, and Akemi. Then there's me, Katsumi, Akira, Takeshi, Shin, who's aunt Ino's and Shikamaru's son, Kin, who's uncle Kiba's and aunt Sakura's son, and Toshiro, uncle Shino's and aunt TenTen's son.

Uncle Sai and Uncle Neji don't have kids. Something about them all liking men or something. I don't care though. Uncle Lee just doesn't have kids, which I think he should because he's pretty lonely and is always talking about his youth.

"I know..," she frowned and walked away.

"Wait up, Cho!" Toshiro said. He's liked her for awhile, but to me, she's unattractive.

Cho ran off and Toshiro didn't bother to follow her.

"What was that for, Yuji? Why are you so rude to her?! She likes you, you idiot. "

"I don't care."

"You are so dumb!"

"What was that?!" I ran over to him and grabbed him by his shirt.

"I said you're dumb!"

I punched him in his face, so he punched me in my stomach. I pushed him on the ground and got on top of him. I started to punch him in his face more as he swung for my face. He hit me once and knocked me off my balance, so he took the advantage and pushed me off of him.

Shin and Katsumi ran over to break the fight up.

"I don't like you! You're dumb! You'll realize one day how much she likes you!"

Takeshi walked over and spoke loudly, "Enough. Quit acting so carelessly. Toshiro, go home and cool off. Yuji, come talk to me during lunch."

Toshiro pushed Shin off of him and stormed off.


"What do you want, Takeshi?"

"Well, for starters, you need to grow up sooner or later."

"I don't care."

"Figured. One day, you'll learn. It'll be you who will take the longest to grow up."

"No, I won't!"

"Stop getting in trouble, also," he said as he walked away from the lunch table.

He thinks he's so grown up! He's fourteen like the rest of us! Except Cho and Shin, they're fifteen.

"Ugh!" The rest of the school day was bad. I continued to get in trouble throughout the day.

I walked in the front door after Yuji and Hiro to hear, "Yuji Uchiha-Uzumaki!"

"Yes, ChiChi?"

"What is wrong with you?! I got threeeeee phone calls from your teacher! THREE, Yuji!"

"Nothing," I mumbled and walked up the stairs with my head down.

"Look, I'm talking to you!"

I ignored him and walked to my room. I threw myself on my bed and began to fall asleep after one of the longest days of my life.

"Yuji. Wake up." I saw my Otu-san standing over top of me like a raven peering down from bird's eye view.


"What's going on with you?" He said as he sat on my bed.

"What are you talking about?" I mumbled after turning my body to face my back to him.

"You are so careless sometimes, Yuji. Just like ChiChi when he was younger. He didn't know how to handle the things that happened in his life."

I ignored him as well.

"I think we should go outside and throw the ball around. That sound good? We can talk about whatever's going on."


"Come on, kid."

I stood up, grabbed my football, and made my way to the front door.

I tossed him the ball as he asked me what my issue was.

"Don't want to talk about it, Otu-san," I mumbled.

"Perhaps you should, kid."

"Maybe one day. Not today. But, the fight today.. I didn't start it. Toshiro got upset with me because I told Cho I don't like her back. He picked a fight with me."

Otu-san sighed and kept the football in his hands for a minute and walked towards me. He brought me in a hug and I wouldn't hug back.

"I know it's hard right now, but things will get better. Stay out of trouble, though, Yuji."

"Can't promise anything, but I'll try. Thanks, Otu-san," I walked away from him after he tossed the ball to me.

Something's off with Otu-san.

Nothing serious, but it's an update. 😭🙂 They'll be another update or two before tomorrow. Yuji is a troublemaker. Vote, Comment, & the rest of that bullshit. 🤙🏽

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