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Naruto POV.

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. My eye's fluttered open to see the bastard Uchiha who I absolutely despise at the moment. I got out the car and walked up and into my apartment. Without speaking to him, that is.

I wanted to go to sleep, so I didn't have to see his face. I knew I was going to be awake since I took a nap in the car though.

He walked in, so I went to my - not our - bedroom and laid down.

"Naruto," Sasuke called out to me as he walked in. I ignored him as he walked closer. "We need to talk."

"No we don't."

"Quit acting like a child."

"Acting like one? I have six of your big headed children inside me!" I fussed as sat up and faced him.

"No reason to act like a child, Naruto. Let me explain."

"Explain what? That you don't trust me? That I can't be told one secret? That your family business is more important than me and our family, but you aren't even the CEO! "

I struck a nerve and Sasuke punched the wall. "Wow, Naruto. That's how you feel?"

"No, I didn't mean that."

"Fuck it," He walked out as angry as ever. I started crying after he slammed the bedroom door. I laid down on the bed, worried about what he was going to do. A sharp pain struck my lower stomach, and I screamed out.

Sasuke came running in as I slowly blacked out.


I woke up to another sharp pain and gritted my teeth to bear the pain. "Fuuuuck!"

"Naruto, are you okay?" Sasuke asked.

I looked around the room to see hospital chairs, a hospital monitor, and a phone on the wall.

"Why am I here?"

"You're going into labor early, Naruto."

"Are you saying my babies are going to be premature?"

"Most likely, but Tsunade did say they grew fast."

"What caused them to come early?"

"Most likely stress."

"No fucking wonder, Sasuke."

"Look, I'm sorry, baby," I turned my face away from him as a tear slipped down my cheek. He gently turned my face toward him. He wiped my tear and kissed my lips ever so gently.

Another sharp pain struck as my lips touched his. I pushed him back a bit. "Where...is.. Baa-chan?!" I yelled. She came running in.

"What is this pain?!"

"It's called a contraction and the closer they get, the closer you get to labor. If you want to make it faster, walk up and down the hallway. Sasuke, hold his hand and make sure he doesn't fall or anything if he does go walk."

I got up and followed her out the door. She went the other direction as I started walking down the hallway. Sasuke walked next to me and held my hand. When he touched me, I got another contraction and stopped where I was. My knees were bent as I held Sasuke's hand to steady me and for me to squeeze. He had a hand behind my back to make sure I didn't fall.

I kept walking for about an hour while everybody in the hospital stared at the pregnant male jinchuuriki. Thanks for the disgusted looks. I most definitely know that this shit is weird.

Baa-chan checked my dilation. Whatever that is. It was strange. She stuck her fingers up.. nevermind. Just know it was.. different.

"You're dilated 8 centimeters already."

"What does that mean?"

"When your cervix is at 10 centimeters we can start labor."

I began to walk more and my contractions were about two minutes apart before Baa-chan told me that she wanted to see me.

"You're almost ready, but you shouldn't continue walking. I'll take you to the other room now."

Sasuke had a big blue duffle bag (with his clan's symbol on it) on his shoulder. He followed behind Baa-chan who was pushing my bed to wherever.

When we got in the room, my contractions were about 30 seconds apart now. She propped my legs up and had a bunch of tools on a metal tray.

I screamed out in agony once the last contraction hit. It felt like my whole stomach was turning.

Baa-chan readied herself. Her gloves were on and she had Shizune and Sakura come stand behind her. Sasuke stood next to me with my hand in his.

"Woah! Naruto! You have a vagina?"

"Not for long."

"That is not the main focus, you know? We're trying to get six babies out of the vagina!" Tsunade fussed.

"1..2..3 Push!"

"The head's visible. Push!"


It felt like something just slid out of me.

"Push, Naruto!"


It was hours before the last baby came out. I was exhausted. As soon as we name the babies, I plan on going to sleep.

"What are you going to name the babies?"

"Do you want to talk about that Sasuke? We never decided."

"No, you can pick the names, love."

"The first one is a boy. 7 lbs. 2 oz."

"That's Akira Uchiha-Uzumaki."

"The second is a boy. 8 lbs. even."


"Third is a girl. 7 lbs 9 oz."


"Fourth is 6 lbs. 4 oz. He's little."


"A boy. He's 8 lbs. 1 oz."


"The last is a girl. She's the biggest. 8 lbs. 7 oz."


Sasuke smiled as he listened to me pick random names off the top of my head. For some reason, I feel that they're all going to be a nice fit when the kids grow up. Akira is going to be intelligent. Yuji's going to be courageous. Akemi's going to be bright and beautiful. Takeshi's going to be a warrior. Katsumi's going to be a victorious beauty. And Hiro's going to be prosperous.

I am going to be proud of my sextuplets.

Sasuke is going to be proud of his sextuplets.

Sorry, I lied to you all yesterday and said I was going to update yesterday but didn't. 😬 I've been up since 7 writing this. & I deleted one of my books, but that's not important. Like, Comment, & share & stuuuuff. 💖💖

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