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Katsumi POV.

Little does ChiChi know, we all know he's having more than one baby!

As of right now, he was as big as a cow, moving through the grocery store quicker than me.

"Katsumi! Get a move on. Hand me that, will you? I can't reach it," he fussed.

I grabbed the box of rice and set it in the cart.

"Can't we go home already? We've been here for almost an hour," Akira whined.

Hiro was pushing the cart, Akemi had a lollipop in her mouth, Takeshi watched everybody carefully, Akira whined the whole time, and Yuji kept picking things up.

If it's one thing I knew, it was to not pick anything up that ChiChi hadn't asked for. He yelled at the top of his lungs every time. Yuji laughed awkwardly and put the items back with a nervous smile. Everybody stared, but we didn't care. We did this every time we came to the store. One time they even had to escort us out because ChiChi is absolutely nuts.

We eventually made it out of the store and in the parking lot, we ran into Deidara Oji-san, whom we haven't seen in about four months.

"Hey, everybody!" Oji-san smiled as we hugged him one at a time. "Sasuke at work today?"

"Yeah, he's been there a lot more often, especially with all the new companies they're coming in contact with. Itachi at work too?"

"Yeah, he seems to be there more often too. It's bothersome, really. Besides that, I got good news!"

We all saw the excited look on Deidara Oji-san had.

"Tell us!" ChiChi said with a smile.

"Me and Itachi arranged a surrogacy!"

"That's amazing!"

They kept up a conversation while Yuji and Akemi seemed to be confused.

"What the hell is a surrogacy?!" Yuji asked confusedly.

"It's when a couple cannot have children, so they get someone else to carry the child for them," Takeshi said plainly.

"Why would anyone do that?" Akemi questioned.

I face palmed, Takeshi rolled his eyes, Hiro groaned, and Akira made a face at them. You know, the face that you give to dumb people.

"Yeah, hopefully it goes well!"

"It's about time you guys have kids! You're passed forty for crying out loud!"

"Itachi never wanted kids until recently and it took awhile to set everything up. I'm just glad we're having one!"

"Or two!" ChiChi laughed and dismissed himself from the conversation.

"Come on, everybody. Get in the car."

"ChiChi, you aren't even supposed to be driving!"

"There's no law that says I can't! Get in the car, boy!" ChiChi fussed at Yuji.

Soon enough, we were at home. We all parted ways quietly once we got all of the groceries out of the car.

I sighed as I sat on the couch in the living room.

Just as I was about to turn the television on, I hear, "Aw! Fuck! Agh!"

Takeshi was the first to run down the stairs with Hiro, Akemi, and Akira following. Takeshi and I looked at each other and all six of us ran into the kitchen.

ChiChi was on the floor, balled up. We stepped closer and ChiChi looked at us. Five of us screamed and Takeshi's eyes were wide. We all wore looks of confusion.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I turn partially into a female fox while I'm pregnant," ChiChi smiled.

He had fox ears on his head, sharper teeth, longer nails, and a fluffy swaying tail.

What the hell is going on here?!

From now on, the only kid who will have a POV is Takeshi. Apologies for the short chapter, but there may be another update today. (: Vote, comment, and the rest of that bullshit. 💖

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