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Sasuke POV

My little ones all so distinct. The boys have 3 whisker-like scars. The girls with 2. Akira with Naruto's blonde hair and my eyes. Takeshi is practically my twin with the scars. Yuji's Naruto's twin. Katsumi has black hair and blue eyes. My little girls, Akemi and Hiro, they have Uzumaki red hair. Akemi with black eyes and Hiro with blue.

There's so much love I hold for them. They've only been in the world for a day. After Naruto had labor, he fell asleep and he still hasn't woken up. I'm kind of worried about that and because Takeshi is so little.

The babies are fine, though, according to Tsunade and Sakura. Everyone's asleep except Takeshi and I. I know he's going to look after everyone else if I'm ever gone. He's the little me. I smiled at the thought. I've gotta make it up to Naruto. I really do. I stressed him out so much, he had my kids too early. Thank the gods that they're all okay. I stood near a window, watching over my seven blessings. I walked over to my sleeping beauty and stroked his face. I smiled knowing that he was all mine. Only mine.

I frowned when I realized that I failed to notice his fox ears had disappeared which meant he was close to being back to normal. I kissed his cheek and sat in the chair that was next to his bed. I haven't got one bit of rest since we've been at this hospital. It reminded me of when my mom died of stage four cancer in a hospital. Itachi and I would visit her 3 times a week. Then one week, it was 4 visits. The last day we seen her, was the day she died. Dad got hit by a car trying to cross the street. He held on in a coma for months. It was his seventh month in the coma when he passed.

All in a hospital. I haven't been to one since. I guess the only good thing that's ever happened to me in a hospital was the births of my six enchanting abundances of joy. I closed my eyes and sighed right before the door could open.

I sprang up in a defensive way, but only saw Sakura standing in the doorway with papers in her hand.

"The results came back. The babies are healthy. They'll be getting their vaccines in about an hour," she informed me. She left the papers on the sink's counter and exited after giving me a slight smile.

How should I make it up to Naruto?

Ah! I got it. It's a surprise! Don't tell him, guys. *whispers the surprise*

Yeah, yeah. He'll love it.

I picked Takeshi up since he's still the only one awake. One tear dropped on his blanket. I was crying because of the beautiful creations Naruto and I made. I thought I wouldn't cry, but I guess it's only right.

I held Takeshi tight to me as I walked to see my other children. They were all asleep, breathing well, and beautiful.

I smiled as more tears poured down my face. This is truly a miracle. I never did think I'd have kids since I'm gay as fuck, but I did. With the love of my life, that is.

Sakura walked in again, but this time she was startled because I was crying.

"Do you want me to give you a minute?"

"No, no. Go ahead," I said as I wiped my tears on my sleeve and chuckled.

"The babies are going to get their vaccinations and then you guys can leave. We'll find you some type of car or truck big enough to get you all home."

"Thank you. You can vaccinate away," I chuckled at my boring joke.

She giggled and readied herself and the babies. She injected them with a few different things and they were all crying. I picked all of them up in my long ass arms and rocked them back to sleep. Hiro is a heavy baby though. Yuji fell asleep first, then Katsumi. Soon followed Hiro, Akira, and Akemi. Takeshi still wouldn't fall asleep, so I put everyone down except him. How did I do that? I have no fucking clue. It's like holding hollow watermelons. They weigh nothing, but it's hard to carry more than one. I still managed and I feel like a superdad or some shit.

Naruto still didn't wake up. I was confused and worried. After about an hour of me holding just Takeshi, he fell asleep and he probably wouldn't be waking up until we got home. I felt like he would wake up if I laid him down, so I didn't.

Sakura came in again and asked if we were ready to leave.

"Can you check on Naruto? He's been asleep since the delivery. It's worrying me." I frowned.

She checked everything, he was fine.

"He's probably just exhausted. You might want to carry him out there. There's a van with eight seats waiting for you out there. Tsunade said that it's her gift to you all. I'll help you take the kids out there. "

"Thank you, Sakura."

"No problem. The baby carriers are already in the car and ready to go."

She grabbed all of the boys and Shizune walked in and grabbed the girls.

I picked Naruto up in bridal style and had the duffle bag hanging from the arm his legs were on. We walked out the hospital with people staring at us.

Yes, my boyfriend was pregnant. Yes, he was a fox. Yes, we have six children. Yes, motherfucker, yes!


I walked out of the doors to see a brand new soccer mom van with Tsunade standing next to it. I opened the front door and put Naruto on the seat and buckled him up. Tsunade and I grabbed one infant at a time to put them in the carriers. I buckled them all up and checked everything. I thanked Tsunade, Sakura, and Shizune after hugging each one of them.

"I owe you all one," I said as I got in the car.

They smiled at me as I pulled off. This is what Naruto always talks about. The true meaning of friendship.

I rode carefully back to our apartment. When we arrived, I woke Naruto up.


He smiled lightly, looking tired, "Yes?"

"I'm going to take them upstairs, okay? I unbuckled the first two carriers and carried them upstairs. I ran to go get Takeshi and Hiro next and took them upstairs. By the time I turned around to get Akemi and Katsumi, Naruto had their carriers in his hands.

"Lock the car doors."

I ran back downstairs once again to lock the car doors. I went back upstairs and Naruto was feeding Akira and Hiro. He still had six teats. He'd already changed into his normal orange pajamas. He had no shirt on with Akemi and Katsumi attached to the teats while he held them.

He soon fed the others and I laid them on the couch and played with them.

They were so fragile, so small. Except Hiro, she's nearly 9 lbs. The most they could do was hold my finger.

Naruto smiled at me while I played with them.

"Naruto, how about you get some more rest while I watch them?"

Should I skip years since I can't really do anything with the newborns ? Yes, you may applaud me for updating again. *bows* Thank you, thank you. Like, Comment, and all that other bullshit ! 💖💖 (That's my new saying)

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