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Naruto POV.




The girls screamed while the guys just watched in amusement.

"Woaaah.. Calm down, guys," Sasuke said as I started to tear up.

He hugged me and lifted my face up.

"You okay, baby?"

"Y-yeah," he pulled me in tighter.

"Y'all can't yell at him like that. It stresses him out."

"Sorry.." the girls mumbled.

Sasuke wiped my tears as I gripped his shirt tightly.

After I collected myself, I tried to explain what happened and why.

Everybody was still confused except Shikamaru.

"Well, that's.. different.." Choji said.

Kiba looked confused, but who wasn't confused? I was confused my damn self.

"Anyways, do you guys want to come to the doctor's appointment?"

"DUUUH!" Everybody yelled.

"Alright, we'll meet you guys at the hospital then," Sasuke said.

We hopped in the car to head to the hospital. When we got there we signed and waited for Baa-chan to come get us.

When everybody arrived, Baa-chan came out and called us all in. The room was filled with 20+ year olds and one 50+ year old woman. They all squished around the chair I was in and the girls tried to get closest to me. Baa-chan put a gel on my stomach and used the machine to screen the babies.

"Wow.." Baa-chan said.

"What is it?" Sasuke said worried.

"This is amazing.. the babies are about grown fully already. Babies are usually this big when it's been 35 weeks. Also, I see there's... 4 boys.. and 2 girls."

"AHHHH! " Sasuke screamed like a little girl.

"Sasuke!" I yelled at him.


"What about the girls?"

"You're doing their hair, that's all I know."

"And who decided this?" I crossed my arms and looked at him confused.


"I think not. You better reconsider before I put you out."

"OOOOO, BURN," the crew instigated.


"Thought so."

"ANYWAYS, the babies are healthy, so you all may leave now. It was nice seeing you all," Baa-chan smiled.

We all exited and everybody told me congratulations. Sasuke and I decided to go out to eat.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked.

"You'll see."

I fell asleep until we arrived.

"AHHH ! MY FAVORITE PLACE!" I ran inside while acting like a child.

"Naruto!" I surely didn't answer duck-butt.

"Hey, Teuchi. Can I get a bunch of ramen?"

"Sure thing. Ayame, help me out!"

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