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Akemi POV.

I don't exactly get along with all of my siblings. I can't stand Hiro or Takeshi because they think they're so much better than the rest of us.

Katsumi is pretty chill, but I'm really more of a loner. Yuji and Akira are okay, but I still prefer my isolation.

Hiro's like one of the boys, so I really bond with ChiChi. Though, I bond even stronger with Deidara Oji-san because he always wears make up and dresses. I'm just upset I haven't seen Itachi Oji-san and Deidara Oji-san in a about two months or so. That was since Itachi Oji-san and ChiChi went missing for a few hours.

"Kids! Come down here. Me and your Otu-san would like to talk to you."

Speaking of the devil!

We all met in the living room. ChiChi had a look of doubt and fear on his face. We all sat on the couch as Otu-san slowly wrapped his arm around ChiChi's waist.

"Um, look, kids. I know you've been wondering what's going on—"

"A-Are you guys getting divorced?" Hiro stammered with confusion and pain mixed in her voice.

"What? No, honey! No, we're aren't," ChiChi crouched in front of Hiro and hugged her.

"What made you all think that?" Otu-san spoke clearly.

We all put our heads down, except Takeshi, as if we were afraid to respond to his question.

"Simply because you're a dumbass," Takeshi retorted.

"Hey! Takeshi! Do not use foul language in my house," ChiChi shouted.


"I was trying to tell you all that I'm pregnant!"

We all laughed harder than ever, even Takeshi chuckled.

"What's so funny?!"

"Y-You th-think we d-didn't k-know th-that?" Katsumi laughed.

ChiChi's face flushed and Otu-san chuckled, "They do get their brains from me, Naruto."

"Shut up!" He hit him on his shoulder and exited the room.

Their was a sibling meeting in the recreational room later that night. We all met in there and Hiro, the leader of the group, which I should be, but whatever!

"We should all decide on a name for the baby!" Hiro proposed. "Suggestions for if it's a boy?"

"Asuka?" Akira suggested.

"No, no more names that start with A," Takeshi decided.

"Let's not have any other first letter of names repeat. Alright? That means no A, T, Y, K, H, S, or N. Simple," Hiro stated.

"What about Daiki?"

"Eh, it's okay."


"Not feeling it."


"That's cute!"

"Mizu? Osamu? Riki?"

"I like Mizu!" I added.

"Washi? Or maybe even Isamu?"

"Raise your hand for Daiki," Katsumi voted.

"Ginjiro," no votes.

"Michio," one vote, which was Akira.

"Mizu," I voted.

"Osamu," no votes.

"Riki," Takeshi voted.

"Washi," no votes.

"Isamu," Hiro and Yuji voted for that one.

"This is going to take forever!" Yuji complained.

"That rules out two, so if you would like to change your choice, do it now."

"Daiki means great value, Michio means a man with the strength of three thousand, Mizu means water, Riki means power or strength, and Isamu means brave. Choose."

For the boy, we decided on Riki, simply because it means power or strength. We agreed that the power of three thousand men were too weak to call our future younger sibling and that when you have power and strength, you are valuable. Brave wasn't enough and water is quite boring.

Finding a name for the girl was much harder. There were too many names to pick from.

We eventually got down to three names, Manami, Reiko, and Uta. Manami being love, affection, and beautiful, Reiko being lovely child, and Uta as poem.

"Raise your hand for Manami," Yuji, Takeshi, Katsumi, and I chose that.

No one chose Reiko this round, Hiro and Akira chose Uta.

"Manami it is!"

Manami or Riki.

Soon enough we'll know the gender!

*IMPORTANT * This book is slowly coming to an end. I have other books, though (more soon to come out) and I'm going to alter the sextuplets age a bit.

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