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Takeshi POV.

Papa was rushed to the hospital today and it's May 21st. I rode in the ambulance with him while Itachi and Deidara picked the others up. It's been about two months since since my Otu-san died.

He was close to being in labor, as he was dilated about 9.5 cm.

"Can you get this fucking baby out of me?!"

See, even though I'm the youngest of the sextuplets, I'll always be the most mature. I walked into my father dead on the floor. If that's not something to be scarred by, then I don't know what is.

I've to be strong for every one. Papa is not doing too well. The only one who is trying to be strong too is Yuji. Everyone else is torn, but Itachi is doing pretty well.

"We're working on it, Naruto. Takeshi, would you mind walking him around while he dilates nearly completely?" Sakura questioned.

"Yeah. No sweat. Come on, Papa," I said as I helped him stand up.

"I don't want to go through labor again!"

"No complaining. You've a daughter that's ready to come," I scolded.

"Fine," he huffed.

As we were walking in the hallway, I spotted Itachi. He looked pretty shaken up.

Soon after, Papa was ready to have the baby, so they pushed him to the other room to have the baby.

"On three, push. One... Two.. Three!" Shizune yelled.

Papa squeezed the life out of my hand as he pushed throughout the whole birthing process.

Eventually, Papa was holding Manami Uchiha-Uzumaki in his arms with tears rolling down his face. Tears of grieving the loss of my brother and father. Tears of joy from having Manami. Tears.

"Takeshi, she looks like you and your father."

She didn't have red hair like Hiro and Akemi; It was black. Her eyes matched her hair and a smile on her face.

I smiled at her and Papa while excusing myself to find Itachi. I found him sitting on one of the chairs that were outside of the room.

"Why do you look so shaken up?"

"I found out who he was cheating on Naruto with. Deidara told me."

"Tell me."

"Your father was cheating with a co-worker."

"Name and Address?"

"Orochimaru Tojiro, but the address I can't give you."

"The hell you can!" People started looking at me.

"Takeshi! Be quiet," he forced through gritted teeth. "I really can't give you the information, but I can tell you one thing. Another co-worker would see Orochimaru come out of Sasuke's office happy every time he left. Yet, the last time they saw Orochimaru leave Sasuke's office, Orochimaru was pissed. Sasuke left with a smile on his face— which they'd never seen before. Naruto also told me that Sasuke came home with a huge smile claiming that he'd ended his affair. Never spoke of who it was though."

"I'm going to avenge my father, even if I didn't like him much."

"That's not smart. You've a life to live and people to protect."

"Who said I'm going to get caught?" I questioned as I stood to walk back in the room. "Go get my siblings, will you?"

Off he was, down to the larger waiting room that Deidara and the others were waiting patiently.

When we were all in the room, Hiro and Akemi cooed while Yuji smirked. Akira and Katsumi smiled, as everybody greeted the newborn.

"She's had her shots, yes?" Itachi asked.

"Yes. She took them apparently better than most babies."

"Of course she did, she's an Uchiha," Itachi smirked.

"She's adorable, Naruto. Congratulations," Deidara smiled as Manami wrapped her finger around his.

"I think I deserve a drink," Papa chuckled.

"I'll treat you to one, but only one. You still have to look over Manami here," Itachi smiled as well, as he stroked her face with the back of his finger. "She's beautiful."

"I can watch her if you want to rest and Itachi can take the kids home. They all need showers and have school tomorrow anyway."

"Sounds good to me. Line up kids," Naruto said as he sat up slowly. "You guys— and girls— better be good at school, okay? Ask your uncle if he can make you all lunch or pick something up in the morning. I love you all."

One by one, he kissed everyone's forehead and they walked out with Itachi.

"Papa, can I stay?"

"No, Takeshi. You can't keep missing days because of this incident. We've got to move on and you need to go to school."

"Papa, I'm smarter than everyone there. Even the kids three grades higher than me aren't smarter. Besides, you need me here to run errands and help to do things."

"Honey, that's why Deidara's staying with me. Go on. I love you. Make sure they don't drive Itachi crazy, yes?"

"Alright. I love you too, Papa."

I'm guessing the others didn't know I was approaching.

"Why did Takeshi get to ride with ChiChi in the ambulance?" Yuji asked.

"Yeah, Yuji, and why did he get to stay with ChiChi while he had Manami ? It pisses me off how he thinks he's better than everyone!" Akemi added.

"He hasn't done anything wrong, guys. He's trying to keep everything together since Otu-san died!" Hiro defended and everyone got quiet.

I chuckled, "How immature. This is why I get to do such things. You're still but a child mentally. Arguing over nothing. Thank you, Hiro. You understand."

"Enough, let's go children."

Envious of your own brother, now are we? Pity.

Smh, there's drama between the siblings. Naruto seems to be doing well though.

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