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Orochumaru POV.

"That dumbass should've never fucking ended our affair. Can you believe that, Deidara?" I said as Deidara, Kakazu, Zetsu, Kisame, and I sat on the couch of my living room.

"Orochimaru, I'm sick of your shit, hmm. Shut the fuck up for once, will you?! Un!"

"Fuck you, Deidara. All you do is sit around and crowd my house up with the rest of your lowlife friends," I spat as I smacked him upside his head for putting his feet on my coffee table.

"Ow! You're a lowlife, too, yeah! You just lie about your life and work for your ex lover, un."

"Can you two shut the fuck up already?!" Kakazu shouted.

"Don't forget that you live in my house, dumbass!" I shouted at the man with the tattoos, that looked like some type of thread and stitches, covering his body.

He rolled his eyes as Tobi ran in the room.

"What's all the fuss about, huh?" Tobi questioned.

We all rolled our eyes with a groan and turned back to the television that was mounted on the wall.

"Tobi's a good boy, so I don't know why you guys ignore Tobi," he pouted and stood in front of the television.

"Move, Tobi, dammit, un!"

I could hear Hidan and Konan talking— well, Hidan was doing all the talking. He's been trying to get with her since she's moved in.

"So, uh.. would you like to go out to eat sometime?" He said.

"Shut up, Hidan! You're too broke to take her out!" Kisame cackled as we all laughed at him.

Hidan walked in and his mauve eyes were wide as his eyebrow twitched. "I hate you all," he muttered through gritted teeth and walked off to his room. The last I saw of him was his short, gray hair that was slicked back behind his ears, his bare black, and the plaid, black pajama pants he was wearing.

"Konan! What you and Sasori making?"

"Nothing for you pigs," Sasori coughed.

"Did I ask you?" Kakazu's eyes narrowed as the red head walked into the living room.

I looked around at the group of idiots. Deidara with blonde hair that reached almost to the halfway mark of his back and had bright, blue eyes. He was wearing a white v-neck shirt and some denim shorts. Zetsu was half black and half caucasian, so his skin was darker than the rest of ours. Though, he has two different personalities. We found out after he came home saying that a doctor said he'd had DID. He's in some fitted jeans and a baggy burgundy shirt. Next to him was Kisame, his cheekbones are very defined, three scars visible each of his cheeks. The loose, black sweatpants and fitted black shirt he's wearing makes him look pretty emo.

I was on the other end of the couch, Deidara sat next to me. In the middle of Deidara and Zetsu, was Kakazu, the asshole. He's wearing a dark green robe and pajama pants to match. His tattoos were only visible on his neck at the moment, and his long, brown hair was in a bun.

Tobi and Sasori were standing up next to the couch. Tobi had on Frozen themed pajamas with some bright orange slippers and I mentally face palmed. His black hair was messy and untamed. Sasori had a pair of loose fit jeans and a fitted, grey shirt. His coral red hair is just as unkept as Tobi's. Maybe I'll buy them some brushes and combs for their birthdays.

"You are so annoying!" Kisame yelled as Tobi stood in front of the television again.

"Come get your dinner!"

We all walked into the large kitchen with a marble counter and clean, wood floors. We got our food one at a time as Konan came back with Hidan and Yahiko.

Konan had a white half shirt on with some fitted jeans and a belt to keep them up. Yahiko had a loose, cider colored shirt and gray sweat shorts on.

We sat where we could, meaning the dining room table, the couch, or the floor.

"Turn this stupid show off, Deidara. Nobody cares about how to get away with murder," Kakazu muttered.

"Actually, I'm sure Pedo-oreo would like to know, hmm," Zetsu smirked. We could tell it was the personality we call "White Zetsu". White Zetsu is highly agitating with a tendency to mess things up, but Black Zetsu is calm and organized with an attitude problem.

"Shut up, Zetsu," I grimaced.

"What is he on about, Orochimaru ?" Kisame questioned.

"Just talking about how, Pedo-oreo here, killed Sasuke Uchiha, and still hasn't been caught," he smiled.

"Fuck you, Zetsu," I hissed as everyone exchanged looks.

"I'm flattered, but really, that was Sasuke's job before you killed him!" I rolled my eyes at the nuisance.

"Technically," Hidan said with his mouth full of chicken. "I killed him. He just ordered me to do it, and pow! Sasuke's dead with just one bullet to the head," he smiled.

"You guys are really fucking odd," Sasori mumbled as he got up to empty his plate off and head to bed. Deidara's skin nearly turned green.

Criminals are going to do criminal things.

Well, he it goes! Hidan killed him!

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