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Naruto POV.

"SASUKE! Noooo, no, no!" I cried out on Sasuke's lifeless body.

Takeshi ran in to see his father on the floor dead. Blood spilled from his head as I tried to cover the scene from him.

"Don't look! Make sure the others don't see this and call the police," I managed as tears poured down my face.

He ran out with shock written on his face.

"Oh, Sasuke," I said as I had his head laying in my lap. "You can't leave me. You've got our kids to raise."

My tears dropped on his face as I hugged his stiff body.

A pain struck through my lower abdomen and I blacked out.

"Sir? Ma'am? Sir? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" I groaned as a bright light appeared in my face.

I felt like I was being rolled on something.

I blacked out again.

"ChiChi, you're awake!" Akemi yelled.

"Akemi, be quiet," Takeshi said dryly.

I looked over to see my sextuplets, all with worried faces. Akemi, Hiro, and Akira had red eyes as if they'd been crying before. Takeshi walked out of the room and returned with a nurse.

"Um, Sir. I've got some bad news."

I gulped and told her to proceed.

"You've miscarried one of your twins," she said with furrowed eyebrows. "Also, your husband was dead before the medics arrived. The police are going to question you on that later. I'm so sorry for your losses."

I gasped and covered my mouth. Tears made their way down my face as she exited.

The sextuplets all looked at me with tears flying down their face.

A doctor came in soon after to tell me that from stress and being over 35, I'd miscarried the boy I was going to have.

"I'd like to check on you and baby A, to make sure that everything is alright," I nodded with bloodshot eyes.

"When you're done, can you call their uncle to come get them? I'll write the number down."

"Sure thing," he ensured.

"Thank you," I let him continue the check up and wrote the number down.

"It looks to be as if everything is alright. You need to stay on bedrest and please leave the caregiving to someone else. You can lose the other baby if you don't keep everything to a minimum."

"Not a problem, Doc," I said with a light smile.

I woke up to see Itachi and Deidara in the room.

"Hey," I said weakly.

"Hey," Deidara smiled small.

"Are you okay, Itachi?" He looked at me with bloodshot, tired eyes.

"I'll be fine. You've got to worry about the little one inside you. We're going to take the sextuplets until you get out of the hospital. Then, Deidara will come over to watch the kids while you're on bedrest." I nodded and muttered a thank you and they left.

I can't believe I lost my husband and a twin in one day. I cried myself to sleep.

Short, yes, but very important. I will probably update again later.

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