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Omniscient POV.

The Akatsuki laid back, not worrying about getting caught. Little did they know that a certain someone's kid was going to get his revenge. Takeshi was plotting his revenge as he sat in his room. He'd obtained the address, of course, he had connections just like his father. Nobody could stop him from this. They hurt his Papa, and nobody's safe from his wrath.

He started his plan. Revenge was a motherfucker. Orochimaru suddenly got a call.

"Who is this and what the fuck do you want?" He asked harshly.

"It's your boss."

"Oh," he laughed nervously. "Hi, Itachi-senpai. I'm sorry about that."

"Orochimaru, you no longer work at the Uchiha Corporation."

"What do you mean? I've worked there for 7 years!"

"I'm sorry, but if you'll excuse me, I have to go."

"What? No!" The phone beeped, letting Orochimaru know that Itachi hung up on him. "He'll rue this day, I swear to Kami!"

Yet, this was just the beginning of the plan.

Two days later, Orochimaru had a plan to kill Itachi. Though, when you're an Uchiha, you're always 5 steps ahead.

Takeshi wanted Orochimaru to plot on Itachi. Knowing he wouldn't ever go through with the plan. He stood there, waiting for him to burst through the door. In the middle of the night, Orochimaru picked the lock and walked in with his criminal buddies, Hidan and Zetsu.

Takeshi had a phone in his hand, ready to call. "Hello! Police? There's someone in the house!"

"We're sending someone right now. Stay calm and quiet," the operator said.

They were already headed upstairs, not even aware that the brat had called the police.

Takeshi creeped his way up the stairs, screaming, "No! Don't do that!"

A gunshot was fired and somebody hit the ground. Two more followed.

The phone call ended as the police rushed over.

And everybody thought that the owner of the house had died. It was Takeshi who fired the gun. Orochimaru, Hidan, and Zetsu were dead.

Itachi took the blame for shooting them. Of course, it was a classic set up. It was 'self defense' and Itachi never got charged with murder. In the end, criminals will always be criminals.

I am going to do alternate endings.  Skip whatever chapter you don't want to read. I chose to do this because I did not want to let anybody down, and so everyone is happy ! I really hope you all enjoyed my book.

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