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Naruto POV.

See, in all honesty, I'm not doing well. I have to push myself to not completely lose myself for the sake of my children. Dr. Hatake had been low key flirting with me, not that it affected me or anything. Just know that I'm glad to be home with all of my kids. Itachi had someone clean up the.. mess.. that was in our— my bedroom.

I can't bring myself to sleep in that bed. I can't walk in that room. I can't even look at pictures of my late husband. I've put all the pictures away except of the kids. Of course, seeing our kids everyday doesn't help. I just suck it up and take care of Manami.

She looks just like Sasuke, yet she makes me happy. Takeshi has become more open and amiable ever since Sasuke died. I feel like he's done it so he won't remind me of Sasuke as much.

"Hey, Papa. I wanted to ask you something really quick," Takeshi asked as I sat on the couch feeding Manami.


"Can I dye my hair?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"It's a trend."

"Just like your father, terrible at lying. If you're doing it to remind me less of him, don't worry about that, Sweetie."

"It's unhealthy at this rate, Papa. How you can prance around acting like you don't miss him ! Acting like he's nothing but a memory. Papa, you don't have to be strong for us. That's what I'm for. That's what Itachi is for. That's what Deidara is for," he raised his voice, worried.

"Takeshi, I will be fine. You all should have realized that by now. I know we were together for a long time and you think I should be mourning. Yet, I can't bring myself to lose myself and forget of my responsibilities."

"Papa, I can handle Manami. You don't need to do this by yourself!"

"Neither do you. We're here for each other, but these are my responsibilities as a father. I willn't desert you all because I'm hurt."

"You're going to work yourself to death if you keep it up. Let us help you. We'll take care of the chores and cooking meals. We'll take turns waking up to get Manami. Let us do this for you."

I sighed with a sleeping Manami in my arms, "If I let you all, will they be mad at me?"

"Nobody's going to be mad at you, Papa," he smiled gently and walked off to tell his siblings the plan.

The house phone rang, so I got up to answer it.


"Um.. Hi. Is this Mr. Uzumaki-Uchiha?"

"This is him. May I ask who is asking?"

"Dr. Kakashi Hatake."

"Oh! Hi, Dr. Hatake. How are you?"

"I'm lovely, and yourself?"

"I'm managing."

"Well, I'd like to recommend you to a great psychologist.. because of what you witnessed."

"I really don't think that'd be.."

"Just try it, if you don't like it, then you can always quit."

"I'll think about it. Hold on, let me get a pen and paper to write the name and number down."

"Oh, that's not needed, you're talking to him now."

"Oh.. well, when can I make an appointment?"

"Get your nasty hands off the phone," I heard on the other side of the line.


"Ugh! Move! You are so annoying!"

"Oh my," I face palmed.

"Those the little ones?"

"We are not little, you freaking monkey!"

"Yeah! Stop flirting with Papa!"

"Can you guys be nice for once?"

"Papa is lonely now, ya'know! He needs this psychologist."

"Don't you hear him flirting with Papa?!"

"Hey! Get off the other line!"


"I'm so sorry about that. When can I make this appointment now?"

With a chuckle, Hatake says, "How about tomorrow at 2? My place?"

I sighed deeply as I knocked on the door of Dr. Hatake's house. "Hi."

"Hey. Come in," he smiled and stepped aside to let me in. "Uh.. to the left is the living room. Make yourself at home."

"Thanks," I said as I slowly sat on the couch. 

"How have you been coping?"

"Working myself to exhaustion. Even then, I can't sleep and I force myself to eat."

"You should take it easy for a few weeks. Go back to old sleep habits, as well as diet. Give yourself some time to accept your husband's death," Hatake worried.

"Please.. don't say that. I'm still trying to accept it. I just can't believe that I've been in love with him for over 20 years.. and boom! He's just gone in a day. He took one of our kids with him.." A tear dropped from my face. "I watched him die. His brains were sprawled out on the floor," I spoke with tears pouring down my face. "I've seen the bullet. I just.. can't not think about him. This isn't fair to him, or my kids. It's not fair to me."

KakaNaru or no ?

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